Check if a domain name is available using
Requires an API key, you can get one here.
Install via NPM:
npm install domain-available
Domain-available uses request
, so isn't available in the browser.
var DomainAvailable = require("domain-available");
var domainChecker = new DomainAvailable("{ API key}");
// Use a domain string or array of domains.
domainChecker.check(["", "", ""], function(err, url, available, body){
// The first function is called after each domain is checked.
console.log(url + " is available.");
} else {
console.log(url + " is not available.");
}, function(results){
// The second function is called after all domains have been checked.
// Results is an array of responses from freedomainapi.
var numAvailable = results.reduce(function(num, result){
return result.available ? num + 1 : num;
}, 0);
console.log(numAvailable + " domain(s) available.");