,-----------------------------------------------------------------. | ,-----; ,------, ,-----; ,-------, ,----, , ,-. | | / ,---' | ,. \ / ,---' | ,--, \ / ,-. \ /| | \ | | | |___ | | \ \ | |___ | |__| ;| | `~' / | | | | | | ,--' | | | || ,--' | |--; < | | ,--./ `-' | | | | |__,-,| | | || |__,-,| | | || | \ |\___. | | | | || | | || || | | || `~' | \ | | | | || | | / | || | | / | | | | | | `~~~~~`\/ `---' `/ `~~~~~`\/ `---' `/ `/~~~~~~' |,--' | | ,---, ,---, ,-----; ,----. ,-. ,--. | | | \ / | / ,---' / ,--' / | | | | | | \/ || |___ | | | |__| | | | | |\ /| || ,--' | | | ,--. | | | | | \/ | || |__,-,| | /|| | | | | | | | | || || `--' || | | | | | | | | || || || | | / | | `---' `---'`~~~~~`\/ `\___/~~~'`---' `/ | `-----------------------------------------------------------------' Compiling? ~~~~~~~~~~ To compile the source: 1) git clone https://github.com/MadCamel/energymech.git -- If you don't have git you can still download the source: wget http://github.com/MadCamel/energymech/archive/master.tar.gz tar xvf master.tar.gz 2) cd energymech -- Since you are reading this file, you have most likely already come to this point. 3) ./configure -- This script will prompt you for features to include or exclude, going with the default is not a bad idea. 4) make clean install If all went well you should now have an executable called ``energymech''. ---*--- Setup? ~~~~~~ Read the sample.conf file to get an idea of the config file commands and then try to make your own. A basic setup doesnt need much more than NICK, ALTNICK, SET USERFILE, JOIN and SERVER entries, the rest is just tweaks of default values. Quick steps: 1) cp sample.conf mech.conf 2) pico mech.conf -- replace ''pico'' with your favourite text editor, look through the file for sections to change, you will have to remove lines in order to get the bot to work. Check the file completely! 3) make a userfile construct a temporary file (trick.conf) containing; --------------------------------------------------------------- set userfile whateveryouwanttonameit user + handle * *!*yourident@*.yourdomain.com 100 password save shutdown --------------------------------------------------------------- then 'run' this file with './energymech -f trick.conf'. this will create a userfile with the name you chose ('mech.passwd' is a good descriptive name which I usually use myself). re-use the filename you selected in your proper configuration file. and remember to 'rm -f mech.session' if you compiled your energymech with session support. 4) ./energymech That should get you running. If you don't see your bot come on IRC after a few minutes, you should try running the bot in debug mode to see what's going on with... ./energymech -d If you get an 'Unknown option -d', you need to answer 'Y' to debug support when running ./configure from the compiling section above. ---*--- Updated Files? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The main distro-site for the EnergyMech is: http://www.energymech.net ---*--- More Help? ~~~~~~~~~~ Read the website for goodness sake! Thats what its there for! #emech is not a help channel If you HAVE to ask a question in #emech then make damn sure that its not covered by the website documentation and try to ask it in a way so that we dont have to type half a book just to tell you the answer. Do NOT ask to be guided in #emech. We will under no circumstances help you compile, configure or run a bot. We absolutely hate people who come into the channel asking utterly simple questions like `Why doesnt my bot connect', `Whats the command to add a user', etc. If you manage to stay in the channel after asking something like that its simply because we're too damn lazy to kickban your ass. We will NOT teach you how to work with UNIX shells or how to use your mech, you have to learn that by yourself. Im noting this here since it seems to be a common misconception that we would. In short: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS. YOU ARE ENTIRELY ON YOUR OWN WHEN IT COMES TO CONFIGURING AND USING IT. ---*--- proton, July 24th, 2009. <mailto:proton@energymech.net>