
a nix flake for plutus projects

Primary LanguageNix


A flake that can be used in the flake setup of a plutus application.


These are the current features the project supports. If any of these don't meet your expectations in practise, please open an issue or pull request. Additionally, please make sure you check the planned features section, so you are aware of what currently isn't supported, and what would be welcome and/or is coming.

  • Automatic support for static linking
    • Many common linker errors one might encounter, already accounted for and addressed
    • Built-in overlays for libraries which need to be configured for static linking
  • Automatic access to a curated set of working plutus and cardano packages
    • Easy overriding of any already-provided packages
    • Adding more libraries works as normal with haskell.nix: just add a source-repository-package in your cabal.project and a sha256map entry; then pass your sha256map to extraSha256map
  • Shell with ghcid, cabal, hoogle server, and cardano-cli
    • Easy to extend via overrideAttrs
  • Sensible nix-gitignore defaults
    • Extensible via extraGitignore
  • Sensible warning defaults
    • Extensible via extraGHCOptions
  • System-agnostic
  • Accepts all arguments that haskell.nix's cabalProject' does

Planned features

Pull requests welcome to add support for any of these. If you think of a feature not on this list, please open an issue so we can add it!

  • Stack support (medium difficulty)
  • Nixpkgs argument support (low difficulty)
  • Cachix cache set up yet, so expect to build things for a couple hours, use -j (low difficulty)
  • Shell HLS (medium difficulty)
  • Non-flake support (low difficulty)
  • Testing on non-x86_64-linux (medium-hard difficulty; linker workarounds may currently assume x86, but we're not sure)
  • Automatic docker images with statically-linked executables (low difficulty)
  • Cross compilation should be already done, but is untested (medium difficulty)
  • Ability to remove things from the default nix-gitignore (low difficulty)


haskell.nix arguments won't be documented in detail unless they differ from the haskell.nix argument structure for convenience' sake. See the haskell.nix documentation for information on these arguments.

  • packages

    • requirement: required
    • type: [String]
    • description: List of packages in the cabal project.
      • This should have one entry per cabal file.
      • We think it is possible to automatically derive this, but this is not currently supported.
    • default: none
    • example: [ "packageA" "packageB" ]
  • src

    • requirement: required
    • type: Path
    • description: The directory where your project exists.
      • You can safely apply your own nix-gitignore to this. If you are using an impure nix-gitignore call, you certainly should, because we currently call only the pure nix-gitignore function.
    • default: none
    • example: ./.
  • compiler-nix-name

    • requirement: required
    • type: String
    • description: The nix name of the GHC you are using.
      • Examples: "ghc884", "ghc8107", "ghc902", "ghc921"
      • To our knowledge, the plutus ecosystem is not currently compatible with GHC 9+. The curated package set provided has been tested with GHC 8.8.x, GHC 8.10.4, and GHC 8.10.7
      • GHCs older than 8.8 are not supported.
    • default: none
    • example: "ghc8107"
  • extraGitignore

    • requirement: optional
    • type: newline-separated strings. Use nix's types.lines
      • In the future, this may be a list of string we automatically convert to the format we need.
    • description: Additional gitignore for nix to use.
      • This is only used with nix-gitignore.gitignoreSourcePure, so if you need to use an impure nix-gitignore function, don't pass what you need into here!
    • default: ""
    • example: "diary.md\ndiary.rst"
      • Note, because of markdown restrictions I don't feel like working around right now, the example manually inserts newlines. Don't do that, use the nix multi-line string convention.
  • extraSha256map

    • requirement: optional
    • type: Attrset (more specifically, a Dictionary<GitRepo, Dictionary<GitSha1, NarSha256>>)
    • description: haskell.nix sha256map, used to add new non-hackage dependencies, or override the provided curated package set.
      • Overriding the provided package set occurs by simply providing a library which already exists therein, and adding the appropriate source-repository-package entry in your cabal.project.
      • The GitRepo key must match what appears in your cabal.project
      • The GitSha1 (which can be a git tag) points to the commit you want
      • The NarSha256 is the nix sha256 narhash of the repo. You can use nix-prefetch-git to get this.
      • Note: for simplicity of this documentation, we explain everything in terms of git, where most plutus/cardano packages exist. But there is nothing special about git and other repository mechanisms should be supported just fine.
    • default: { }
    • example: { "https://github.com/jgm/pandoc-citeproc"."0.17" = "0dxx8cp2xndpw3jwiawch2dkrkp15mil7pyx7dvd810pwc22pm2q"; }
  • extraGHCOptions

    • requirement: optional
    • type: Attrset (more specifically, a Dictionary<PackageName, [String]>)
    • description: extra options to pass to ghc, on a per-package basis
      • Warnings enabled by default:
        • -Wall
        • -Wcpp-undef
        • -Widentities
        • -Wincomplete-record-updates
        • -Wincomplete-uni-patterns
        • -Wmissing-deriving-strategies
        • -Wmissing-export-lists
        • -Wpartial-fields
      • We want to enable -Wunused-packages (if GHC 8.10+ is available), but currently it can give incorrect results on GHC < 9.0.2.
      • You can disable any of these by passing in -fno-warn-X, where X is the name of the warning (the part that comes after the -W)
      • It is HIGHLY recommended to use -Werror for builds that reach production! Ignoring warnings is often a recipe for disaster!
    • default: { }
    • example: { "packageA" = [ "-ddump-splices" "-fno-cpp-undef" ]; }
  • configureArgs

    • requirement: optional
    • type: [String]
    • description: A list of configure options to be passed to cabal. We diverge from haskell.nix by making this a list instead of a single string, for ease-of-modification and readability reasons.
    • default: [ ]
    • example: [ "--enable-benchmarks" ]
      • Note that even though this example enables benchmarks to be built, benchmark/test building is enabled by default, and so is unnecessary.
  • extraShell

    • requirement: optional
    • type: Attrset
    • description: extra arguments to pass to shellFor
      • This is just a traditional shell derivation
      • See the haskell.nix documentation here
      • Alternatively you can override devShell via overrideAttrs
      • If you are extending nativeBuildInputs, you should probably use overrideAttrs, otherwise you will overwrite the stuff we provide in the shell automatically. Even if overwriting is what you want, overrideAttrs will certainly be cleaner, more explicity, and clearer.
    • default: { }
    • example: { MY_EPIC_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE = "epic"; shellHook = "echo $MY_EPIC_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE"; }
  • withHoogle

    • requirement: optional
    • type: Bool
    • description: Whether or not to generate a local hoogle index
      • Passed to shellFor, so you can alternatively override this by passing in extraShell, but this is a "blessed" separate option
      • You can get a local hoogle server running on localhost:8080 with hoogle server --local. Additionally, you can specify the port with --port.
      • This is extremely useful with plutus and cardano packages, most of which don't have readily available documentation without reading source code
      • Automatically uses the exact versions your project is using
    • default: true
    • example: false
  • exactDeps

    • requirement: optional
    • type: Bool
    • description: Whether or not to prevent cabal from choosing alternate plans, so that all dependencies are provided by Nix
    • default: true
    • example: false
  • extraModules

    • requirement: optional
    • type: [AttrSet]
    • description: See the haskell.nix documentation
      • Currently you can't provide overrides to your package in a straightforward way outside of GHC options and configure options. This is something we plan to improve.
    • default: [ ]
    • example: [ { packages = { semirings.flags.werror = true; }; } ]

All other arguments are the same as haskell.nix's cabalProject'. If you find that we do not accept an argument that you need passed to cabalProject', please open an issue.

Example usage

  description = "plutus-flake-utils example";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs = {
      follows = "haskell-nix/nixpkgs-unstable";

    haskell-nix = {
      url = "github:input-output-hk/haskell.nix";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "haskell-nix/nixpkgs-2111";

    flake-utils = {
      url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";

    plutus-flake-utils = {
      url = "github:chessai/plutus-flake-utils";

  outputs =
    { self
    , flake-utils
    , plutus-flake-utils
    , ...
      supportedSystems =
        [ "x86_64-linux" ];

      projectArgs = {
        packages = [ "packageA" "packageB" ];
        src = ./.;
        compiler-nix-name = "ghc8107";
    flake-utils.lib.eachSystem supportedSystems (system: rec {
      # this returns an attribute set, so you have
      # pkgs.{dynamic,static}
      pkgs = plutus-flake-utils.pkgs system;

      # this gives you the following attributes:
      # {flake,project}.{dynamic,static}
      # devShell
      # the flake and project can be used in dynamic and static linking
      # settings. devShell always uses dynamic linking.
      inherit (plutus-flake-utils.plutusProject system projectArgs)
        project flake devShell;