
Important files

  • style.css contains style common to all pages (some special pages also contain custom style), including colors, margin sizes, font sizes, and so forth. Changes here effect every article's appearance, but not the html structure.
  • sidebar.html and sidebar.js contain respectively the html structure of the sidebar and the javascript code to load the sidebar. Changes made to sidebar.html effect every article.
  • rrsdb_math.js contains the code for power series expansion.

Rogers-Ramanujan type identity articles

To write a Rogers-Ramanujan type identity article, start by copying the file identities/template.html.

Rules that should be followed

  • All added html should be inside the div tag with the id main.
  • All identity articles go in the directory identities.
  • The first time any definition is mentioned, link to the relevent article. For example, the first time the word partition is used, replace partition with <a href="../partitions.html">partition</a>.
  • Use links like <a href="article.html> rather than <a href=""> since, if the domain ever changes, all links would need to be manually rewritten. If you need to link to a page in a different directory, you can generally use the same rules that Linux/Mac use, for instance <a href="../article.html"> to access an article from the root directory of the repository.
  • Indend with 2 spaces whenever you enter a new div. This helps keep the file readable. For example:
    <p>more content</p>
  • Avoid deprecated html, like the tag <center>. There are much better ways to implement such behaviors.
  • To add additional style to an element, add style="" to the tag. For example, in the html code below the word "text" will have the color blue. Only do this in special cases as needed, a style change that is present in all articles should be added to style.css.
<p>Example <span style="color: blue">text</span> here</p>
  • All commits should have at least some description. If we ever need to revert to an older version, this will help track where the issue was introduced.
  • Use <h1> only for the title of the page, and <h2> for all other headers.

Useful facts about the html structure

  • Large sections of article all go in a div with the class main_infobox. If you give the div an id arbitrary_name_here, you can link to it like <a href="article.html#arbitrary_name_here"> and the contents of the div will be highlighted with a darkened background whenever the page is reached using this link. Only do this if you give such a link elsewhere, otherwise this serves no purpose. Also, make sure every id is unique! For example:

Your article article.html:

<div id="main">
  <div class="main_infobox" id="arbitrary_name_here">
    <h2>small header</h2>

some other article:

<div id="main">
  <div class="main_infobox">
    <h2>small header</h2>
    <p> ... for example, see <a href="article.html#arbitrary_name_here">for more</a>.</p>