QuriusBot Server

This server uses python's NLTK library to perfrom natural language processing on raw html to analyse its content, understand its meaning and generate a summary along with quiz questions for it.


  1. Install dependencies
  2. Sign up for Microsoft Cognitive API to get a key
  3. Store API Key in util/secrets.py as ocp_key
  4. Run app.py

API Documentation:


Returns json containing summary and related links for a html webpage.

  • URL


  • Method:


  • Data Params

    data=[string] where data is the raw html

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200 Content: { summary : "This is a summary", related_links : [{title: "Title1", link: "Link1"}, {title: "Title2", link: "Link2"}]


Returns json containing quiz questions for any html_webpage

  • URL


  • Method:


  • Data Params

    data=[string] where data is the raw html

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200 Content: `[{"question": "Question1", "type": "FILL_IN_THE_BLANKS", answer: "Answer1"}, {"question": "Question2", "type": "True_False", answer: "Answer1"}]