
Test exercise for O.Dev internship

Primary LanguagePython

Test Task

API endpoints:

  1. GET: metrics/start_at=2020-03-01&end_at=2020-03-25 - returns standart deviation and average value the exchange rate of all currencies for the specified time period GET Request

  2. GET: metrics/correlation/start_at=2020-03-01&end_at=2020-03-25&symbols=CAD,HKD - returns correlation between two currency pairs (CUR1-EUR, CUR2-EUR) for the specified time period GET Request

For convenient data entry, you can go to this page.

Get the source code

Go to the directory you want to see this project in. Now you can get all the source code of this project using git clone command.

> git clone https://github.com/rrufina/test_task_ODev


To view the documentation you need to run the appplication and go here.

Deployment using Docker

Change environmental variables

Now you can see example.env with such content inside it:


Put your django secret key here. If you don't have one, you can get it here.

Copy to .env

Now you need to copy the content of example.env to .env file. Use this:

> cp example.env .env

Compose up

Now you need build our application, to do this use the following command:

> docker-compose up --build -d

Important comments

in case I am a stupid man and do not know how to work with docker (i.e. you could not deploy using docker): be sure that you are in directory with manage.py and run

python manage.py runserver

I hope now you can see the cause of my insomnia.