- 10
- 0
Parallax component children cannot inherit the height and width of their parent.
#136 opened by kunaalgaur - 0
add page testing
#133 opened by rrutsche - 0
- 1
- 0
Documentation update
#131 opened by ZiedHf - 2
Local image is not loading
#126 opened by zillBoy - 4
White space parallax
#39 opened by raunofreiberg - 2
White space due to translate3d y parameter not resetting to 0px when scrolling to top fast.
#96 opened by haZya - 2
~33% whitespace on LH side of viewport, full width
#122 opened by atlsykes - 2
Package installation using npm
#116 opened by MahdiMbarki - 2
iOS issue: Parallax image non responsive
#91 opened by GBrachetta - 3
- 3
Ability to change scroll container
#88 opened by pcdependency - 2
Parallax image is not responsive
#107 opened by sametyildizeli - 2
Image onLoad callback
#83 opened by Pareder - 3
- 7
Parallax effect not working at all
#55 opened by ergunpp - 3
Compatibility with react 17.0.1
#89 opened by frozar - 2
Background image is not scaled if the "disabled" property is set by default.
#81 opened by cheesecase - 10
repeat background image with no stretching
#82 opened by wallaceturner - 4
Poor rendering result (Text missing)
#73 opened by TommyLeong - 2
- 4
- 1
- 1
#71 opened by Nadjakoroleva - 3
Background image cut doen
#72 opened by millturnK - 1
- 6
Need support for TypeScript React projects
#57 opened by kaleabmelkie - 3
Can't use dynamic blur
#62 opened by luismramirezr - 3
Uncaught TypeError when using React Router
#64 opened by ReinBentdal - 0
Console Warning
#59 opened by jhochgreve - 1
Parallax Effect On Div or Component
#51 opened by danielnuwin - 4
Scrolling a bit jittery in Safari mobile
#45 opened by quangdng - 2
Set parallax to fill container
#52 opened by Toonshorty - 8
Add Dynamic Brightness filter
#46 opened by bhaktap - 2
backgroundPosition not having any effect
#49 opened by vpste1 - 1
- 5
Is there a way to resize the image?
#48 opened by Jatapiaro - 2
Button click or menu
#44 opened by rohanleach4 - 4
Responsive image optimization for mobile?
#41 opened by carterchung - 1
- 2
- 1
Does this work horizontally?
#38 opened by ChCosmin - 3
- 4
Any chance of React 16 support?
#35 opened - 5
- 2
Alt text on image
#34 opened by Bram-Zijp - 2
is blur prop working?
#32 opened by tuguScript - 4
Support React 15.5
#30 opened by rubenspgcavalcante