
Nearest Neighbor is a simple algorithm that stores all available cases and classifies new cases based on a similarity measure. Using a non-parametric technique means that no parameters are set at the start.

Primary LanguagePython

#If you want to run code from Google Colab
1. Open the source code link on the link: https://bit.ly/Learning_IF4409_10
2. Import the 'traintest.xlsx' file into Google Colab first
3. Run all the cells in Google Colab
4. Output can be seen in the last cell
5. The output Excel file can be downloaded from Google Colab on the left side of Google Colab on the Files tab.

#If you want to run the code from the terminal
1. Make sure you have the pandas, numpy, matplotlib, and seaborn libraries installed on your PC.
2. Make sure there is a 'traintest.xlsx' file
3. Open a terminal and adjust the path to your file
4. Type the command "python (filename).py"