AVAssetExportSession drop-in replacement with customizable audio&video settings
- 0
Video export cancelled
#78 opened by balkarov - 1
Crash when set audioSettings to nil
#82 opened by chiahsien - 2
#96 opened by Cristin777888 - 5
Swift Version
#89 opened by rsalesas - 0
variable frame rate slo-mo vids?
#103 opened by diffent - 1
- 0
How to add an extra layers?
#102 opened by OfirMalach - 4
- 2
SDAVAssetExportSession takes a long time
#65 opened by scarlettSS - 1
I get error as -[AVAssetWriter startSessionAtSourceTime:] invalid parameter not satisfying: CMTIME_IS_NUMERIC(startTime) when using sdavexportsession
#83 opened by solarisis - 5
- 1
Crypto LOCK33 Cyber Security
#99 opened by Crypto3308 - 0
I found that the result of getting the video direction is not very accurate.
#97 opened by CNHarrySun - 3
The operation could not be completed (-11800)
#90 opened by KarenK1995 - 0
Range for AVVideoAverageBitRateKey
#95 opened by Tulakshana - 0
Pod not working
#94 opened by Tulakshana - 0
Video Export get some problem
#93 opened by Polo1004 - 0
- 2
Set framerate of exported video
#52 opened by awidgery - 1
Scaling error in [buildDefaultVideoComposition]
#86 opened by gitgjogh - 1
multiple pass
#87 opened by weepy - 1
#84 opened by manikal - 1
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 1
XCode 9: This block declaration is not a prototype
#73 opened by Jan-E - 1
Support for multi-pass encoding?
#60 opened by taufikobet - 5
Having a delegate can lead to black video output
#63 opened by gsabran - 1
Create git tags
#40 opened by xhacker - 0
- 0
Wrong dimensions for AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor while using portrait videos
#48 opened by zakinaeem - 5
Bad video cropping
#47 opened by thibauddavid - 1
getting "AVAssetReaderOutput does not currently support compressed output" Exception
#39 opened by harryhorn - 0
rotation not correct
#54 opened by lieyunye - 3
-[AVAssetWriterInput requestMediaDataWhenReadyOnQueue:usingBlock:] Cannot call method when status is 0
#45 opened by mayur43s - 2
Issue in landscape exported video.
#57 opened by aleberguer - 1
Quality-based compression?
#55 opened by awidgery - 2
- 0
The code not working for me.
#69 opened by zeeshansuleman - 0
*** -[AVAssetWriter endSessionAtSourceTime:] Cannot call method when status is 1
#64 opened by bestiosdeveloper - 1
- 0
Can you provide a demo?
#59 opened by YueLiXing - 2
Strange cropping after setVideoMirrored
#50 opened by ThierryFerreira - 1
iOS 9.3.1 iPhone 5c - Uncaught exception: NSInvalidArgumentException: -[CADisplayLink integerValue]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1a13ff10
#53 opened by Jabbaquack - 0
- 1
Videos rotated -90 degrees scaled too much
#37 opened by bryanhatwood - 1
- 1
- 0
CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress and CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress should not be called.
#32 opened by marcvanolmen