- 3
- 6
- 21
Regression of PR #141 AWS API Gateway support
#184 opened by cblackcom - 15
[v0.11.0] `Access-Control-Request-Headers` is matched as-is, without normalization.
#183 opened by stonedu1011 - 9
GIN: cannot use CORS middleware with router groups
#102 opened by samber - 3
- 0
Bump go directive
#187 opened by jub0bs - 4
405 on OPTIONS preflight
#185 opened by udf2457 - 4
AllowOriginVaryRequestFunc support for adding values to request context
#182 opened by mackinleysmith - 0
- 17
Missing origin error
#93 opened by DogAndHerDude - 1
Arbitrary origin allowed in CORS header
#177 opened by Ashish-walkingn8mare - 4
Case-sensitive look up on allowed headers map
#176 opened by EmmEff - 2
- 2
- 3
failing local test since v1.11.0
#174 opened by alicebob - 1
gin wrapper default status
#145 opened by Limm-jk - 2
[Feature Request] AllowCredentialsFunc: boolean,
#162 opened by reginbald - 6
Unexpected response when requesting with multiple comma separated origins and wildcard AllowedOrigins
#131 opened by latonz - 2
AllowedOrigins doesn't block unlisted origins
#167 opened by Nightsee - 0
#168 opened by mirashanouda - 0
- 2
- 5
- 2
- 4
How to use with DefaultServeMux
#96 opened by sammy - 2
- 1 has shut down
#142 opened by jub0bs - 4
- 1
No way to disable caching of preflight responses
#152 opened by jub0bs - 1
goa example
#91 opened - 6
CORS request not applying correct on backend
#106 opened by mjubil1 - 4
- 3
Problem with .local url
#122 opened by spartakos87 - 1
Mux and Cors
#88 opened by mazdak78 - 2
- 0
Will support fasthttp router?
#125 opened by matianhe3 - 4
[help] Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true, Access-Control-Allow-Origin cannot be *, but I did not find the corresponding implementation
#117 opened by rentiansheng - 1
AllowCredentials should be true in AllowAll()
#98 opened by mcluseau - 1
publish latest code
#116 opened by missinglink - 2
public isOriginAllowed ?
#114 opened by alicebob - 1
- 2
negroni example not apply cors header
#111 opened by ZedCode - 3
Negroni Example Doesn't apply cors headers
#109 opened by ZedCode - 0
cors header not applying with Negroni example
#110 opened by ZedCode - 1
CORS allow missing origin for a specific call?
#107 opened by hkdb - 8
The dot character as part of header keys is broking the preflighted requests
#99 opened by Ariel-dono - 1
exact same code from iris cors middleware
#100 opened by WLun001 - 1
HandlePreflight not generating any headers
#97 opened by mar1n3r0 - 4