Metal FS Tutorial

This project illustrates how to create a simple operator for Metal FS by using a dockerized development environment.

The provided Dockerfile relies on a Xilinx Vivado 2018.1 Docker image, which you can obtain from here:

You can either start the development environment by using the Remote Containers extension in VS Code, or by running start_linux, start_osx or start_win.bat respectively.

Note for VS Code users: If you are using a non-Linux host and want to start Vivado X11 applications from the container, please change the DISPLAY environment variable parameter to "DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0.0" in .devcontainer/devcontainer.json

Project Structure

The project is structured as follows:

- Makefile
- image.json
- src
  `-- hls_operator_colorfilter
      |-- Makefile
      |-- hls_operator_colorfilter.cpp
      |-- operator.json
      `-- testbench.cpp

The image.json file contains the project configuration: It specifies which FPGA to target and which operators to include in the image.

Note: The default configuration does not enable the DRAM and NVMe capabilities of the N250S FPGA card.

The root Makefile offers access to builtin SNAP targets (e.g. make model, make sim, make image).

Under src/hls_operator_colorfilter, an example operator is defined that converts a bitmap image to grayscale.

Its operator.json file contains the operator manifest which is used at build time to describe the operators configuration interface. Furthermore it specifies the command line options to be used at runtime.

hls_operator_colorfilter.cpp contains the operator implementation in Vivado HLS. testbench.cpp can be used to test the implementation in software by running make test from the operator directory.

How to try it out

Once you have started the development Docker container, run make model to generate a simulation model. Afterwards, start a simulation environment with make sim.

In the simulation shell, first initialize the environment with snap_maint, then start the file system driver: metal_fs /mnt.

Start a second shell in the container and try out the operator with the provided bitmap file:

cat src/hls_operator_colorfilter/apples_simulation.bmp \
  | /mnt/operators/colorfilter \
  > out.bmp