
refined version of react-live-tweets

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Demonstration of live twitter streams using React, Node (6 and above) and Socket.io (1.x.x). Demo tracks buzz word 'javascript'.


Install with npm

$ npm install


You would need to fill in the twitter credentials to run this application in order to see the tweets. Please fill in the credential details in src/server/twitter-config-keys/config.js for:

consumer_key: 'TWITTER CONSUMER KEY',
consumer_secret: 'TWITTER CONSUMER SECRET',
access_token_key: 'TWITTER ACCESS TOKEN KEY',
access_token_secret: 'TWITTER TOKEN SECRET',

Tracking of tweets isn't done on the fly. You can only track one thing at a time. For now if you would want to track anything particular, please change the following config key in the same file as above:

buzzword: 'javascript'


$ npm start

Design Illustrations

Design illustrations were created and designed by David Willis.