shit I stumbled across

Misc shit I stumbled across and found interesting

Jan 25 2024

Plants that move like a venus flytrap or a touch-me-not can be anesthetized.

Jan 20 2024

I started by reading this news blurb about a new type of deep brain probe developed at UCSD which was fine, then followed a link to UCSD itself to get a bit more detail. But it turns out the good stuff is in this glossy youtube video which is basically a commercial from our surreal cyberpunk present pitching tomorrows brain probes today.

Jan 19 2024

The spatial metaphors we use to describe social relations aren’t just idiosyncratic uses of language, but reflections of how those social relations are structured in our minds.

In Germany, citizens continue to overestimate distances between cities that were on the other side of what was the Iron Curtain, in comparison with cities on the same side before reunification. Further, these overestimations are greater for citizens with more negative attitudes toward reunification, compared with those of citizens who had positive views. Metaphorical barriers remain standing long after their physical referents are demolished.


Jan 10 2024

At this point, there is only one theory we know of that can explain why the same thing happened to girls in so many countries at the same time: the rapid global movement from flip phones (where you can’t do social media) to smartphones and the phone-based childhood... 2012 was the first year that very large numbers of girls in the developed world were spending hours each day posting photos of themselves and scrolling through hundreds of carefully edited photos of other girls.


Dec 29 2023

The government of Alberta hired a company called aware360 which makes mobile apps to keep tags on employees who are working alone in remote locations to build the "digital overdose response system" or DORS, an app you can fire up before you fire up. It starts a timer when you start using your drug of choice, and if you don't deactivate the app before the time runs out it calls emergency responders to your location.

Dec 17 2023

Chatham Asset Management, is an American hedge fund which owns Postmedia which owns both The National Post and The Financial Post. Chatham Asset Management also owns RR Donnelly which is an American communications and printing company which acquired the Canadian Banknote Company in 2006. Which means that the same American compary that prints the National Post also prints Canadian currency and passports.

Dec 14 2023

There's a blog called SciFi Interfaces that reviews UI's from cinema. It puts out a yearly award show style round up called "The Fritzes" where they recognize excellence in such categories as "Best Believable" and "Best HUD". Lot's of movies in here I had not heard of at all.

Dec 5 2023

The golden rule of social play is not ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ Rather, it’s something much more difficult: ‘Do unto others as they would have you do unto them.’ To do that, you have to get into other people’s minds and see from their points of view.

The Play Defeceit by Peter Gray

Dec 1 2023

Autopoiesis: "a system capable of producing and maintaining itself by creating its own parts".

Nov 29 2023

Different shells (bash, sh) do different (and surprising) things when processing a pipeline. AKA sometimes a while loop runs in a subshell.

Apr 6 2024

The latin prefixes "cis" and "trans" mean "this side of" and "the other side of" respectively.