Gateway Ansible Setup Scripts
Ansible scripts to setup your minimal system as an IoT gateway.
Setup your host
apt -y install ansible
Mac OS X
brew install ansible
Deploy your SSH public key
Make sure to setup your SSH public key before calling ansible:
ssh-copy-id <gateway host>
Gateway Targets
ansible-playbook -e "mqttuser= mqttpass= mqtthost= mqttport= gitci= tag=" -i targethost, -u linaro iot-gateway.yml
Ansible tags:
- --tags local # load hawkbit, freeboard, bt-joiner, mosquitto-local, cf-proxy-coap-http and leshan
- --tags gateway # load mosquitto-local, nginx-http-proxy, bt-joiner, nginx-coap-proxy and cf-proxy-coap-http
- --tags cloud # load mosquitto-cloud, nginx-http-proxy and bt-joiner
- --tags demo # load mosquitto-local, nginx-http-proxy, bt-joiner, freeboard, nginx-coap-proxy and cf-proxy-coap-http
- --tags mosquitto-local
- --tags mosquitto-cloud
- --tags hawkbit
- --tags bt-joiner
- --tags nginx-http-proxy
- --tags freeboard
- --tags nginx-coap-proxy
- --tags cf-proxy-coap-http
- --tags leshan
- mqttuser: mosquitto remote username
- mqttpass: mosquitto remote password
- mqtthost: remote mqtt address
- mqttport: remote mqtt service port
- gitci: address for your private hawkbit server
- tag: docker container tag (e.g. latest-arm64, latest-armhf or empty for latest)
- brokerhost: mosquitto websocket host (for use with freeboard)
- brokeruser: mosquitto websocket user (for use with freeboard)
- brokerpw: mosquitto websocket password (for use with freeboard)
Note: don't forget the comma after targethost!
Optional helper script
./ demo # call ansible to deploy all containers for a demo setup
Freeboard dashboard
The sample dashboard-private.json file is used to demonstrate how to set up a persistent freeboard dashboard. The device names and groups will have to be changed to match those in your setup.
If you modify and use dashboard-private.json, you can browse to the persistent page by appending ?load=dashboard.json
- i.e. http://targethost/?load=dashboard.json
- i.e. http://targethost/?load=dashboards/default.json - a complex dashboard that requires modification
- i.e. http://targethost/?load=dashboards/simple.json - a simple 'catch all' dashboard