
Resource Router for ExpressionEngine

MIT LicenseMIT

Resource Router

Control your URLs by remapping URI routes to a specific HTTP response, using CodeIgniter-style routing rules.


  • You need to break out of the template_group/template_name paradigm of traditional EE routing
  • You need to nest urls on a Structure/Pages URI (pagination, categories, etc.)
  • You need to point multiple url patterns to a single template
  • You need custom JSON/HTML endpoints that do not warrant a full EE template
  • You want to remove excess conditional logic in your templates

Replace this:

{if segment 2 == "category"}
{if:elseif segment_2 == "view"}

With this:

'blog/:any' => function ($router, $wildcard) {
    if ($wildcard->is('category')) {
    } elseif ($wildcard->is('view')) {
    } else {


NOTE: ExpressionEngine 2.6+ or ExpressionEngine 3.0+ and PHP 5.3+ are required

  • Copy the /system/expressionengine/third_party/resource_router/ folder to your /system/expressionengine/third_party/ folder
  • Install the extension

Updating from Template Routes

This add-on was formerly known as Template Routes. If you are updating from Template Routes, you should:

  • Uninstall Template Routes
  • Install Resource Router
  • Change your $config['template_routes'] to $config['resource_router']

Basic Usage

Setting up your routing rules

Your routing rules must be set in your system/expressionengine/config/config.php file.

$config['resource_router'] = array(
    'blog/:category' => 'site/blog-category',
    'blog/:year/:pagination' => 'site/blog-yearly-archive',

On the left is the URI pattern you wish to match, and on the right is one of two things: a) a string representing a template_group/template_name pair, or b) a callback receiving Router and Wilcard objects where you can craft a response for the URL. The callback functionality is covered in the Advanced Usage section.

NOTE: Pages module or Structure module URLs take precendence over Resource Router.



Matches any non-backslash character(s). The equivalent regular expression is ([^/]+);


Matches a numeric value. The equivalent regular expression is (\d+);


Matches 4 digits in a row. The equivalent regular expression is (\d{4});


Matches 2 digits in a row. The equivalent regular expression is (\d{2});


Matches 2 digits in a row. The equivalent regular expression is (\d{2});


Matches a P:num segment. The equivalent regular expression is ((?:/P\d+)?). This is an optional segment. If not present in the URI, the URI will still be considered a match. If so, the Wildcard object will have a null value.


Matches <Category URL Indicator>/<category_id or category_url_title>. The Category URL Indicator is set in Admin > Channel Administration > Global Preferences. The second segment value depends on the "Use Category URL Titles In Links?" setting.


Matches a Pages/Structure URI for the specified entry_id, where XX is the entry_id

$config['resource_router'] = array(
    ':page:123/:pagination' => 'site/page',


Matches all possible segments. The equivalent regular expression is ((?:/.*)?). This is an optional segment. If not present in the URI, the URI will still be considered a match. If so, the Wildcard object will have a null value. When multiple segments are detected, the callback will receive many Wildcard objects.


Register a callback to be run before ALL routes. For instance, this is a good place to set global variables that you need on all pages.

NOTE: This is a special wildcard. Your route must be exactly ':before' with no other segments.

Validating Wildcards

These wildcards will perform a database operation to ensure that the wildcard value exists in the database. To validate on additional columns (ex. status or channel) you should use Callbacks). If you provide a callback, as opposed to a template_group/template_name string, the wildcard will not be validated. You must validate it yourself in your callback.

Validating wildcards will have corresponding meta data attached to the wildcard object, and will set {route_X_foo} variables, where foo is a column from the database, such as cat_id. (Think Low Seg2cat).


Matches an entry id. Does not match if the entry id is not found in the database. To validate on additional columns, you should use a Callback and $wildcard->isValidEntryId(). Adds the following variables: {route_X_entry_id}, {route_X_title}, {route_X_url_title}, {route_X_channel_id}, where X is the specified URL segment.


Matches a url title. Does not match if the url title is not found in the database. To validate on additional columns, you should use a Callback and $wildcard->isValidUrlTitle(). Adds the following variables: {route_X_entry_id}, {route_X_title}, {route_X_url_title}, {route_X_channel_id}, where X is the specified URL segment.


Matches a category id. Does not match if the category id is not found in the database. To validate on additional columns (ex. group_id or channel), you should use a Callback and $wildcard->isValidCategoryId(). Adds the following variables: {route_X_cat_id}, {route_X_site_id}, {route_X_group_id}, {route_X_parent_id}, {route_X_cat_name}, {route_X_cat_url_title}, {route_X_cat_description}, {route_X_cat_image}, {route_X_cat_order'}, where X is the specified URL segment.


Matches a category url title. Does not match if the category url title is not found in the database. To validate on additional columns (ex. group_id or channel), you should use a Callback and $wildcard->isValidCategoryUrlTitle(). Adds the following variables: {route_X_cat_id}, {route_X_site_id}, {route_X_group_id}, {route_X_parent_id}, {route_X_cat_name}, {route_X_cat_url_title}, {route_X_cat_description}, {route_X_cat_image}, {route_X_cat_order'}, where X is the specified URL segment.


Matches a member id. Does not match if the member id is not found in the database. To validate on additional columns (ex. group_id or channel), you should use a Callback and $wildcard->isValidMemberId(). Adds the following variables: {route_X_member_id}, {route_X_group_id}, {route_X_email}, {route_X_username}, {route_X_screen_name}, where X is the specified URL segment.


Matches a username. Does not match if the username is not found in the database. To validate on additional columns (ex. group_id or channel), you should use a Callback and $wildcard->isValidUsername(). Adds the following variables: {route_X_member_id}, {route_X_group_id}, {route_X_email}, {route_X_username}, {route_X_screen_name}, where X is the specified URL segment.


All wildcards and any parenthesized regular expression patterns will be available within your template as a tag variable:

{route_1} - the first wildcard/parenthesized match
{route_2} - the 2nd, and so forth

These matches are also available in your template definition, using $1, $2 and so forth:

$config['resource_router'] = array(
    'blog/:any/:any' => 'site/$1_$2',

Regular Expressions

Like standard CodeIgniter routing, you may also use regular expressions in your routing rules:

$config['resource_router'] = array(
    'blog/([A-Z])/:any' => 'blog/alphabetized',

Don't forget to wrap in parentheses if you would like your regular expression to become a Wildcard and {route_X} variable.

Advanced Usage


You can use callbacks in your routes:

$config['resource_router'] = array(
    'blog/:any/:any' => function($router, $wildcard_1, $wildcard_2) {

If you wish to output an EE template at the specified url pattern, your callback should set a valid template_group/template string using the $router->setTemplate() method.

Or you can avoid setting a template to signify that this url does not match the route:

'blog/:any' => function($router, $wildcard) {
    if ($wildcard->is('foo')) {

Return a string to immediately output that string and avoid the template engine:

'blog/:any' => function($router, $wildcard) {
    return 'You found: '.$wildcard;


The first argument in the callback is a rsanchez\ResourceRouter\Router object. It has a few methods you can use.

$router->setTemplate(string $template)

Set the template_group/template_name to use for this URI

'blog/:any' => function($router) {

Trigger your EE 404 template. You must set a 404 Page template in your EE Global Template Preferences.

'blog/:any' => function($router) {
$router->setGlobal(string $key, string|int|bool $value)

Set a global variable to use in your template.

'blog/:any' => function($router) {
    // {foo} -> bar
    $router->setGlobal('foo', 'bar');
$router->setVariable(string $key, mixed $value)

Set tag pair arrays to use as variables in your template. These variables are accessible using the {exp:resource_router:your_var_name} template tags.

'blog/:any' => function($router) {
    // {exp:resource_router:foo} -> bar
    $router->setVariable('foo', 'bar');

    // {exp:resource_router:foo}{bar}-{baz}{/exp:resource_router:foo} -> abc-def
    $router->setVariable('foo', array('bar' => 'abc', 'baz' => 'def'));

    // {exp:resource_router:foo}{bar}-{baz},{/exp:resource_router:foo} -> abc-def,ghi-jkl,
    $router->setVariable('foo', array(
        array('bar' => 'abc', 'baz' => 'def'),
        array('bar' => 'ghi', 'baz' => 'jkl'),
$router->setWildcard(int $which, string|int|bool $value)

Change the value of a wildcard at the specified index.

'blog/:any' => function($router) {
    // change a wildcard global variable {route_1} -> bar
    $router->setWildcard(1, 'bar');
$router->setContentType(string $content_type)

Change the Content-Type HTTP response header.

'blog/:any' => function($router) {
    return '{"foo":"bar"}';
$router->setHeader(string $name, string $value)

Set an HTTP response header.

'blog/:any' => function($router) {
    $router->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    return '{"foo":"bar"}';
$router->setHttpStatus(int $code)

Set the HTTP response status code.

'blog/:any' => function($router) {
$router->view(string $view, array $variables)

Render a CodeIgniter view file

'blog/:any' => function($router) {
    $router->view('myview', array('foo' => 'bar'));

By default, view files are read from system/expressionengine/third_party/resource_router/views/. If you wish to change this, you can do so in your config file:

$config['resource_router:package_path'] = '/path/to/directory/';

Your defined package path must have a views folder within it. You should not add views/ to your defined package path. In other words, if your views are in /var/www/assets/views/, your package path should be set to /var/www/assets/.

$router->json(mixed $data)

Send a JSON response of the data wwith Content-Type: application/json headers.

'blog/:any' => function($router) {
    $router->json(array('foo' => 'bar'));
$router->redirect(string $url, int $statusCode = 301)

Redirect to the specified URL or template_group/template_name.

'blog/:any' => function($router) {

Override the current uri being used by the system.

'blog/:any' => function($router, $wildcard) {

Stop any following routes that also match the url from being processed.

'blog/:any' => function($router) {


The second and subsequent callback arguments are rsanchez\ResourceRouter\Wildcard objects.


Get the value of the wildcard match.

'blog/:any/:any' => function($router, $wildcard_1, $wildcard_2) {
    $last_segment = $wildcard_2->value;

    // you may also simply cast to string
    $last_segment = (string) $wildcard_2;

Check if the wildcard equals the specified value. This uses the PHP == operator internally.

    'blog/:url_title' => function($router, $wildcard) {
        if ($wildcard->is('some_special_post')) {
        } else {
$wildcard->in(array $where)

Check if the wildcard exists in a given array. This uses the PHP in_array method.

    ':any' => function($router, $wildcard) {
        $sections = array(

        if ($wildcard->in($sections)) {

Check if the wildcard is not equal to the specified value. This uses the PHP != operator.


Check if the wildcard is exactly equal to the specified value. This uses the PHP === operator.


Check if the wildcard is not exactly equal to the specified value. This uses the PHP !== operator.


Check if the wildcard is greater than the specified value. This uses the PHP > operator.


Check if the wildcard is greater than or equal to the specified value. This uses the PHP >= operator.


Check if the wildcard is less than the specified value. This uses the PHP < operator.


Check if the wildcard is less than or equal to the specified value. This uses the PHP <= operator.

$wildcard->isValidEntryId($where = array())

Check if the specified entry_id exists. Adds the following variables: {route_X_entry_id}, {route_X_title}, {route_X_url_title}, {route_X_channel_id}, where X is the specified URL segment.

'blog/:num' => function($router, $wildcard) {
    if ($wildcard->isValidEntryId()) {
    } else {

In the second parameter, you can specify other columns/values to use in the query WHERE statement.

'blog/:num' => function($router, $wildcard) {
    $where = array(
        'status' => 'open',
        'channel' => 'blog',

    if ($wildcard->isValidEntryId($where)) {
    } else {
$wildcard->isValidUrlTitle($where = array())

Check if the specified url_title exists. Adds the following variables: {route_X_entry_id}, {route_X_title}, {route_X_url_title}, {route_X_channel_id}, where X is the specified URL segment.

'blog/:any' => function($router, $wildcard) {
    if ($wildcard->isValidUrlTitle()) {
    } else {
$wildcard->isValidEntry($where = array())

Check if the specified entry exists. Adds the following variables: {route_X_entry_id}, {route_X_title}, {route_X_url_title}, {route_X_channel_id}, where X is the specified URL segment.

'blog/:any' => function($router, $wildcard) {
    if ($wildcard->isValidEntry(array('url_title' => $wildcard, 'status' => 'open'))) {
    } else {
$wildcard->isValidCategoryId($where = array())

Check if the specified cat_id exists. Adds the following variables: {route_X_cat_id}, {route_X_site_id}, {route_X_group_id}, {route_X_parent_id}, {route_X_cat_name}, {route_X_cat_url_title}, {route_X_cat_description}, {route_X_cat_image}, {route_X_cat_order'}, where X is the specified URL segment.

'blog/:any' => function($router, $wildcard) {
    if ($wildcard->isValidCategoryId()) {
    } else {
$wildcard->isValidCategoryUrlTitle($where = array())

Check if the specified category url_title exists. Adds the following variables: {route_X_cat_id}, {route_X_site_id}, {route_X_group_id}, {route_X_parent_id}, {route_X_cat_name}, {route_X_cat_url_title}, {route_X_cat_description}, {route_X_cat_image}, {route_X_cat_order'}, where X is the specified URL segment.

'blog/:any' => function($router, $wildcard) {
    if ($wildcard->isValidCategoryUrlTitle()) {
    } else {
$wildcard->isValidCategory(array $where)

Check if the specified category exists. Adds the following variables: {route_X_cat_id}, {route_X_site_id}, {route_X_group_id}, {route_X_parent_id}, {route_X_cat_name}, {route_X_cat_url_title}, {route_X_cat_description}, {route_X_cat_image}, {route_X_cat_order'}, where X is the specified URL segment.

'blog/:any' => function($router, $wildcard) {
    // use the second parameter to specify a column to retrieve data from
    $valid = $wildcard->isValidCategory(array(
        'cat_url_title' => $wildcard,
        'channel' => 'blog',

    if ($valid) {
    } else {
$wildcard->isValidMemberId($where = array())

Check if the specified member_id exists. Adds the following variables: {route_X_member_id}, {route_X_group_id}, {route_X_email}, {route_X_username}, {route_X_screen_name}, where X is the specified URL segment.

'users/:num' => function($router, $wildcard) {
    if ($wildcard->isValidMemberId()) {
    } else {
$wildcard->isValidUsername($where = array())

Check if the specified username exists. Adds the following variables: {route_X_member_id}, {route_X_group_id}, {route_X_email}, {route_X_username}, {route_X_screen_name}, where X is the specified URL segment.

'users/:any' => function($router, $wildcard) {
    if ($wildcard->isValidUsername()) {
    } else {
$wildcard->isValidMember(array $where)

Check if the specified member exists. Adds the following variables: {route_X_member_id}, {route_X_group_id}, {route_X_email}, {route_X_username}, {route_X_screen_name}, where X is the specified URL segment.

'users/:any' => function($router, $wildcard) {
    // use the second parameter to specify a column to retrieve data from
    $where = array(
        'username' => $wildcard,
        'group_id' => 5,

    if ($wildcard->isValidMember($where)) {
    } else {

$wildcard->getMeta(string $column)

Get the specified meta data from the wildcard. This is only applicable to validating wildcards.

'posts/:url_title' => function($router, $wildcard) {
    if ($wildcard->isValidUrlTitle()) {
        // do something custom with this entry id
        $entry_id = $wildcard->getMeta('entry_id');

    } else {


Add pagination, category, and yearly/monthly/daily archives to a Pages/Structure page:

$config['resource_router'] = array(
    ':page:123/:pagination' => 'site/_blog-index',
    ':page:123/:category' => 'site/_blog-category',
    ':page:123/:year' => 'site/_blog-yearly',
    ':page:123/:year/:month' => 'site/_blog-monthly',
    ':page:123/:year/:month/:day' => 'site/_blog-daily',

Suppose you wanted this scheme for blog urls:

  • /blog
  • /blog/<your-cagtegory>
  • /blog/<your-individual-post>
  • /blog/<your-author-name>
$config['resource_router'] = array(
    'blog/:any' => function($router, $wildcard) {
        // is it a category url title?
        if ($wildcard->isValidCategoryUrlTitle()) {
        // is it a username?
        } elseif ($wildcard->isValidUsername()) {
        // is it a url title?
        } elseif ($wildcard->isValidUrlTitle()) {
        } else {

A member group dependent endpoint:

$config['resource_router'] = array(
    'restricted-area' => function($router) {
        if (ee()->session->userdata('group_id') != 1) {

A custom JSON endpoint:

$config['resource_router'] = array(
    'api/latest-news' => function($router) {
        $query = ee()->db->select('title, url_title')
            ->where('status', 'open')
            ->where('channel_id', 1)
            ->order_by('entry_date', 'ASC')
        $result = $query->result();

A callback used before all routes:

$config['resource_router'] = array(
    ':before' => function($router) {
        $admin_groups = array(1, 6, 7);
        $group_id = ee()->session->userdata('group_id');
        $is_admin = in_array($group_id, $admin_groups);
        $router->setGlobal('is_admin', $is_admin);