
Resource Router and MSM

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Does Resource Router work with MSM, and could you provide some examples/suggestions of how to use it with MSM?


Any answers on this? We are attempting to use it with EE3 and need to find out if it will work for us.

There's no specific integration with MSM, but I think it should be possible.

You can check for site ID in your route callbacks:

$config['resource_router'] = array(
    'blog/:url_title' => function ($router, $wildcard) {
        $site_id = ee()->config->item('site_id');
        // this route is only meant for the main site
        if ($site_id != 1) {
            return $router->set404();

        return $router->setTemplate('blog/_detail');

You can also use a case statement that does a check on the domain name allowing you to prevent the code from being executed by another site in your MSM install.

@roberthallatt could you provide an example of how to do this?

@ashleymarchant It would look something like this:

switch ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']){
     case "":

            $config['resource_router'] = array(
                your routes..

