
SE(3)-equivariant point cloud networks for virtual screening

Primary LanguagePython

PointVS: SE(3)-equivariant point cloud networks for virtual screening


LieTransformer (paper) is a self-attention-based group equivariant network. EGNN (paper) is an SE(3)-equivariant graph neural network. The author's previous work on deep learning for virtual screening can be found here. PointVS uses EGNN and LieTransformer with SE(3) equivariance to perform virtual screening and pose selection.

Installation and Initialisation

git clone https://github.com/jscant/PointVS
cd PointVS
conda env create -f environment.yml python=3.8
conda activate pointvs
pip install -e .

To run tests for invariance under SE(3) transformations:

pytest -vvv

If you would like to use wandb for logging information on loss, performance and hyperparameters (recommended), you must first create an account at wandb.ai. You must then log into your account on your local machine by opening a python3 console and executing:

import wandb

and following the onscreen instructions.

A small working example is:

python3 point_vs.py egnn data/small_chembl_test test_output --train_types data/small_chembl_test.types --egnn_classify_on_feats


Usage: point_vs.py model train_data_root save_path

positional arguments:
  model                 Type of point cloud network to use: lietransformer, lieconv, lucid or egnn
  train_data_root       Location of structure training *.parquets files. Receptors should be in a
                        directory named receptors, with ligands located in their specific receptor
                        subdirectory under the ligands directory.
  save_path             Directory in which experiment outputs are stored. If wandb_run and
                        wandb_project are specified, save_path/wandb_project/wandb_run will be used
                        to store results.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --load_weights LOAD_WEIGHTS, -l LOAD_WEIGHTS
                        Load a model.
  --test_data_root TEST_DATA_ROOT, -t TEST_DATA_ROOT
                        Location of structure test *.parquets files. Receptors should be in a
                        directory named receptors, with ligands located in their specific receptor
                        subdirectory under the ligands directory.
  --translated_actives TRANSLATED_ACTIVES
                        Directory in which translated actives are stored. If unspecified, no
                        translated actives will be used. The use of translated actives are is
                        discussed in https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jcim.0c00263
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE, -b BATCH_SIZE
                        Number of examples to include in each batch for training.
  --epochs EPOCHS, -e EPOCHS
                        Number of times to iterate through training set.
  --channels CHANNELS, -k CHANNELS
                        Channels for feature vectors
                        Names of specific receptors for training. If specified, other structures
                        will be ignored.
                        Names of specific receptors for testing. If specified, other structures
                        will be ignored.
  --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE, -lr LEARNING_RATE
                        Learning rate for gradient descent
  --weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY, -w WEIGHT_DECAY
                        Weight decay for regularisation
  --wandb_project WANDB_PROJECT
                        Name of wandb project. If left blank, wandb logging will not be used.
  --wandb_run WANDB_RUN
                        Name of run for wandb logging.
  --layers LAYERS       Number of layers in LieResNet
  --liftsamples LIFTSAMPLES
                        liftsamples parameter in LieConv
  --radius RADIUS       Maximum distance from a ligand atom for a receptor atom to be included in
  --nbhd NBHD           Number of monte carlo samples for integral
  --load_args LOAD_ARGS
                        Load yaml file with command line args. Any args specified in the file will
                        overwrite other args specified on the command line.
  --double              Use 64-bit floating point precision
  --kernel_type KERNEL_TYPE
                        One of 2232, mlp, overrides attention_fn (see original repo)
  --attention_fn ATTENTION_FN
                        One of norm_exp, softmax, dot_product: activation for attention (overridden
                        by kernel_type) (LieTransformer)
  --activation ACTIVATION
                        Activation function
  --kernel_dim KERNEL_DIM
                        Size of linear layers in attention kernel (LieTransformer)
  --feature_embed_dim FEATURE_EMBED_DIM
                        Feature embedding dimension for attention; paper had dv=848 for QM9
  --mc_samples MC_SAMPLES
                        Monte carlo samples for attention (LieTransformer)
  --dropout DROPOUT     Chance for nodes to be inactivated on each trainin batch (EGNN)
  --fill FILL           LieTransformer fill parameter
  --use_1cycle          Use 1cycle learning rate scheduling
  --warm_restarts       Use cosine annealing with warm restarts
  --fourier_features FOURIER_FEATURES
                        (EGNN) Number of fourier terms to use when encoding distances (default is
                        not to use fourier distance encoding)
  --norm_coords         (EGNN) Normalise coordinate vectors
  --norm_feats          (EGNN) Normalise feature vectors
  --use_atomic_numbers  Use atomic numbers rather than smina types
  --compact             Use compact rather than true one-hot encodings
  --thin_mlps           (EGNN) Use single layer MLPs for edge, node and coord updates
  --hydrogens           Include polar hydrogens
  --augmented_actives AUGMENTED_ACTIVES
                        Number of randomly rotated actives to be included as decoys during training
  --min_aug_angle MIN_AUG_ANGLE
                        Minimum angle of rotation for augmented actives as specified in the
                        augmented_actives argument
  --max_active_rmsd MAX_ACTIVE_RMSD
                        (Pose selection) maximum non-aligned RMSD between the original crystal pose
                        and active redocked poses
  --min_inactive_rmsd MIN_INACTIVE_RMSD
                        (Pose selection) minimum non-aligned RMSD between original crystal pose and
                        inactive redocked poses
  --val_on_epoch_end, -v
                        Run inference ion the validation set at the end of every epoch during
  --synth_pharm, -p     Synthetic Pharmacophore mode (for Tom, beta)
  --input_suffix INPUT_SUFFIX, -s INPUT_SUFFIX
                        Filename extension for inputs
  --train_types TRAIN_TYPES
                        Optional name of GNINA-like types file which contains paths and labels for
                        a training set. See GNINA 1.0 documentation for specification.
  --test_types TEST_TYPES
                        Optional name of GNINA-like types file which contains paths and labels for
                        a test set. See GNINA 1.0 documentation for specification.
  --egnn_attention      Use attention mechanism on edges for EGNN
  --egnn_tanh           Put tanh layer at the end of the coordinates mlp (EGNN)
  --egnn_normalise      Normalise radial coordinates (EGNN)
  --egnn_residual       Use residual connections (EGNN)
  --edge_radius EDGE_RADIUS
                        Maximum interatomic distance for an edge to exist (EGNN)
  --end_flag            Add a file named "_FINISHED" to the save_path upon training and test
  --wandb_dir WANDB_DIR
                        Location to store wandb files. Defaults to
  --estimate_bonds      (EGNN): Instead of using a fixed edge radius,the intermolecular radius is
                        set at --edge_radius Angstroms but the intramolecular radius is set at 2A,
                        which has the effect of putting edges where there are covalent bonds
                        between atoms in the same molecule.
  --linear_gap          Final linear layer comes after rather than before the global average
                        pooling layer. This can improve performance significantly.
  --prune               (EGNN) Prune subgraphs which are not connected to the ligand
  --top1                A poorly kept secret ;)

Dataset generation

For full instructions, see the README.

The input format for PointVS neural networks is the parquet. The script point_vs/dataset_generation/generate_types_file.py can be used to generate the types file (Loading Datasets section below), from which point_vs/dataset_generation/types_to_parquet.py can be used to convert pdb, sdf and mol2 files to the required format.

Loading datasets

The recommended way to feed data into the models is to use types files, which are used extensively in GNINA 1.0. The input point_vs.py arguments train_data_root, --test_data_root (-t), --train_types and --test_types should be specified.

Option 1: Types File

Each line should follow the format:

<label> <n/a> <rmsd> <receptor> <ligand>


<label> is a binary label (0 or 1)

<n/a> is any value (unused, there to keep in line with the original GNINA specification)

<rmsd> is the RMSD from the original crystal structure where the ligand is a docked structure and the RMSD is known, or -1 otherwise.

<receptor> is the relative location of the receptor structure in parquet format

<ligand> is the relative location of the ligand structure in parquet format

An example types file can be found at data/small_chembl_test.types, where the <rmsd> value is not known:

1 -1 -1.0 receptors/12968.parquet ligands/12968_actives/mol25_7.parquet
0 -1 -1.0 receptors/12968.parquet ligands/12968_decoys/mol9690_0.parquet
0 -1 -1.0 receptors/12968.parquet ligands/12968_decoys/mol6981_5.parquet
0 -1 -1.0 receptors/12968.parquet ligands/12968_decoys/mol2542_5.parquet

See the README in point_vs/dataset_generation for a script which generates types files and calculates RMSDs.

Option 2: Active and inactive molecules sorted by directory structure

The input structures should be in pandas-readable parquet files, with the ligand and receptor in separate files for memory efficiency. The directory structure should be laid out as follows (the names of the folders ligands and receptors should be preserved, and directories containing ligand structures should be named <receptor_name>_[actives|decoys], with receptor structures named <receptor_name>.parquet):

├── ligands
│   ├── receptor_a_actives
│   │   ├──ligand_1.parquet
│   │   ├──ligand_2.parquet
│   ├── receptor_a_decoys
│   │   ├──ligand_3.parquet
│   │   ├──ligand_4.parquet
│   ├── receptor_b_actives
│   │   ├──ligand_5.parquet
│   │   ├──ligand_6.parquet
│   ├── receptor_b_decoys
│   │   ├──ligand_7.parquet
│   │   ├──ligand_8.parquet
└── receptors
    ├── receptor_a.parquet
    └── receptor_b.parquet

An example of the correct directory structure can be found in data/small_chembl_test.