
@rsapkf's dotfiles.

Primary LanguageC


This repository contains my dotfiles for:

The ~/.suckless subdirectory contains my builds of suckless tools including all the patches.

  • dwm - Dynamic window manager
  • slstatus - Status bar for dwm
  • st - Simple terminal emulator
  • dmenu - Dynamic menu for X
  • slock - Simple X display locker
  • surf - Simple web browser
  • tabbed - Simple generic tabbed frontend to xembed-aware applications
  • sent - Simple plaintext presentation tool
  • dwmstatus - Status bar for dwm

Custom scripts are located at ~/bin.

Sparsely used tools:

Managing dotfiles

Currently, I use a bare git repository in my home directory to track my dotfiles (detailed guide here). In the past I used GNU Stow to do so.