Flight panel API provides an API to find and list flights of Fly Airlines.
This solution uses Spring Boot, Lombok, PostgreSQL, Liquibase, Docker and Docker Compose.
Live demo at http://flight-panel-api.herokuapp.com/flight
It can take a while to load because of the start of Heroku Dyno.
- Java 8 or higher
- Maven
- Docker
- Docker compose
On the folder of the project, run this commands in order
sudo docker-compose up -d
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run
The server will be avaiable at localhost:8080
Check localhost:8080/flight to test
Database settings
login: flight
password: flight
database: flight
To reconstruct all database
mvn liquibase:update -D liquibase.dropFirst=true
Tests will run by default on clean install, if you want to skip
mvn clean install -D skipTests=true