Bob's Android Weather

I hate bloated apps -- this is an attempt at a streamlined app which pulls data from NOAA servers.

This had previously been a native app written in Java but something is going wrong and getting it set up with a new install of Android Studio has stalled so moving to React Native to see what that's all about.

Project setup

Install Android Studio (TODO)

  1. Install Android Studio
  2. Device Manager
  3. Create a device

Install tools

  1. Install node via nvm link
  2. Install yarn link
  3. Install dependencies by running yarn install in the root directory

Running the application

  1. Run the app server by running npx react-native start
  2. Build the app by running npx react-native run-android

Debug steps

  • If react-native run-android hangs on app:installDebug run adb kill-server && adb start-server

Run application on device (TODO)

  1. Follow instructions here