
A tool for restarting specific dynos in a Heroku app.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Heroku Dyno Manager

This app will provide a way to restart select heroku dynos

Project setup

Install Android Studio (TODO)

  1. Install Android Studio
  2. Device Manager
  3. Create a device

Install tools

  1. Install node via nvm link
  2. Install yarn link
  3. Install dependencies by running yarn install in the root directory

If running the macOS build

  1. Install Ruby and then install Cocoapods by running gem install cocoapods

Running the application

  1. Run the app server by running npx react-native start
  2. Build the app by running npx react-native run-android (append --variant release to build this in production mode)

Debug steps

  • If react-native run-android hangs on app:installDebug run adb kill-server && adb start-server

Run application on device

  1. Get your phone working by follow instructions here
  2. Determine your device ID by running adb devices
  3. Using that device name, run npx react-native run-android --deviceId <device-id>
  4. This is also bin/start-android the default behavior of.

Local setup

  1. Copy src/config.js.sample to config.js
  2. Update HEROKU_APP_NAME to match the application you are working with
  • Add ability to restart a single dyno based on hard coded app and credentials
  • Add ability to refresh dyno configuration via API
  • Add ability to set app name
  • Add OAuth for accounts
  • Add ability to pick apps based on authenticated user