
Simple React Chat Application Using WebRTC

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React WebRTC Chat

A simple chat application using WebRTC for p2p chat and WebSocket for signaling.

You can try the live application at:



  • E2EE Chat P2P Application
  • Using WebRTC and WebSocket


  • Install nodejs
  • Edit the "REACT_APP_SIGNALLING_SERVER" in environment configuration to point to your signaling server (code example in here )
  • Edit the "REACT_APP_GA_ID" in environment configuration with your Google Analytics Measurement ID
  • This client used STUN and Turn Server from OpenRelay Project (https://www.metered.ca/tools/openrelay/). You can change it in the App.js to use your own STUN/TURN server
  • Run this to install required NPM and build the application:
npm install
npm run build


You can find the detail explanation of this application in this medium blog.


For feedback, please raise issues in the issue section of the repository. Periodically, I will update the code. Enjoy!!.