- 5
Transfer of maintainer
#96 opened by rsbivand - 9
- 0
- 2
Add user-friendly wrapper functions
#89 opened by florisvdh - 19
- 2
Launching R from OSGeo4W shell (Windows)
#92 opened by florisvdh - 2
Prepare migration from **XML** to **xml2**
#72 opened by rsbivand - 13
Faulty parameter rejection in execGRASS
#83 opened by TillF - 4
- 23
running GRASS within R, Windows 10
#87 opened by dylanbeaudette - 2
GRASS news post draft
#77 opened by rsbivand - 2
initGRASS error for GRASS 8.3.1 mac ARM
#85 opened by wxyang007 - 7
read_RAST() fails when specifying mapset via "@"
#84 opened by TillF - 22
- 4
- 2
- 24
- 25
Future of rgrass - meeting minutes
#34 opened by veroandreo - 29
nodata error in reading rasters
#66 opened by laurapoggio-sptools - 1
Create GRASS locations from EPSG codes
#70 opened by wenzeslaus - 1
- 5
- 4
Auto-detect the GRASS path?
#64 opened by Robinlovelace - 10
Maintenance ideas
#61 opened by florisvdh - 0
- 8
Change terra intermediate file format?
#51 opened by rsbivand - 16
problem with readRAST
#52 opened by olenko - 7
initGRASS issue with version 0.2.8
#53 opened by VincentGodard - 29
- 2
error with segmentation.grass()
#39 opened by LBorgers - 4
new rgrass for the upcoming grass version 8?
#28 opened by veroandreo - 6
initGRASS() and cross-platform reproducibility
#29 opened by florisvdh - 2
error in print.gmeta()
#31 opened by dylanbeaudette - 5
initGRASS() fails on MacOS X unless home and gisDbase are both set to tempdir()
#11 opened by ltalluto - 3
'ERROR: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed' when converting larger raster to "SpatialGridDataFrame"
#26 opened by MxNl - 16
problem with readRAST from rgrass7
#27 opened by olenko - 7
Issues with projection when using RGRASS7
#32 opened by manomuthus - 12
input argument of execGRASS("") drops parts after '&' (in web service URL)
#30 opened by florisvdh - 5
Can't run .bat commands like r.mask
#25 opened by MxNl - 1
Move to r-spatial org?
#8 opened by pat-s - 7
- 8
- 15
- 7
- 14
gmeta() returns a proj4string
#15 opened by florisvdh - 13
- 2
- 1
initGRASS(), execGRASS(), write/readVECT() do not work when running the second time
#13 opened by lovalery - 1
use_sf() cannot find function
#12 opened by gypsy-moth - 2
Error in use_sf(): sf or stars not available
#10 opened by RobinKohrs