
A text box that adds comments to a DB and displays all comments with a TTS play button that can read it.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

IBM Watson TextToSpeech App

(portuguese below)

A simple app that uses node.js and React with Material UI. It can register a comment in the left collumn textbox that will be sent to a MySQL database and it will be displayed with the SPA in the right collumn, in a list. Each one will have a Play button that streams the data from the Watson API direct to the window as a blob, and generate a local URL so it can be played, all in client side operations, for better scalation pourpouse.

Setting Up Locally

Simply create a .env file in the root directory with the following data:


DB settings of you desired MySQL or local database instance, and the KEY and URL generated by IBM Watson (you can create a free account for testing)

  1. Install depedencies
npm install
  1. Run app
npm  start

It will run both front and backend at the same time.


App de Comentários usando Watson IBM TTS

Dois painéis, um formulário para adicionar o comentário a um banco de dados MySQL e uma listagem de todos os comentários com um botão para ouvir o comentário por meio do API do Watson IBM TTS

Iniciar localmente

Para rodar localmente, criar o arquivo .env no / com host, usuário e senha do MySQL que irá se conectar:

  1. instalar dependências
npm install

  1. Rodar o App
npm start