
reproduce the issue when using the dynamic_cast in GraalVM

Primary LanguageJava

additional comments by rschatz

Playing around with this a bit more, there are a few weird things here.

I added a main.c file, so we can test without GraalVM. This main file does essentially the same thing as the tester.java file, but loading the libraries with regular dlopen/dlsym instead of the GraalVM APIs.

I have added makefiles that builds the test in multiple variants:

  • managed The original test, compiled for the GraalVM LLVM runtime in managed mode.
  • native Building the same test with the GraalVM shipped LLVM toolchain, but in native mode, so we can run it also outside of GraalVM.
  • gcc For comparison, building the same thing just with gcc.

I modified the run.sh so it runs all of those variants.

Both the Makefile and run.sh expect the GRAALVM_HOME env variable to point to a GraalVM EE with the LLVM toolchain installed.

Describe the issue The C++ dynamic_cast only works if the dynamic_cast is called from the same shared library that has the definition of Base class and Derived class. (all the code are located in the same shared library). On the other hand, if the dynamic_cast is called from another shared library (during linking process, this share library links the library with the real definition of classes), dynamic_cast failed and returned the null pointer.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. git clone https://github.com/changlun-adyen/graalvm-dynamic-cast-issue.git
  2. change the GraalVM toolchain path in build.sh
  3. execute build.sh
  4. execute run.sh (make sure the env JAVA_HOME is set to GraalVM JDK)

Describe GraalVM and your environment:

  • GraalVM version: 22.1.0 EE
  • JDK major version: JDK11
  • OS: macOS Monterey
  • Architecture: AMD64

The output of java -Xinternalversion: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (11.0.15+8-LTS-jvmci-22.1-b05) for bsd-amd64 JRE (11.0.15+8-LTS-jvmci-22.1-b05), built on Apr 4 2022 04:05:20 by "graal1" with gcc 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.33.17)

More details The below code failed at dynamic_cast, which should not happen no matter where the code is located.

#include <iostream>
#include "test.h"

extern "C" {

void test2() {
  Derived *ptr_derived = new Derived();
  Base *ptr_base = ptr_derived;

  auto* cast_ptr = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(ptr_base);
  if(cast_ptr) {
    std::cout <<  "ok" << std::endl;
  } else {
    std::cout <<  "failed at dynamic_cast" << std::endl;
