
Serverless Cloud Chat example application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cloud Chat is an iMessage-inspired chat application built on Serverless ⚡️ Cloud.

Find friends on the map and then start chatting. It's a fun way to make new friends from around the world. Be nice! 😀


Setting up Auth0

  • create an API
  • create an Application

Update these values in .env:

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID: the Client ID of your application
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_AUTH0_DOMAIN: the Domain of your application
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_AUTH0_AUDIENCE: the API Audience aka Identifier of your API


Create the following params in the Cloud dashboard for the cloud-chat service:

  • AUTH0_DOMAIN: "Domain" from your Auth0 application settings
  • AUTH0_AUDIENCE: "Identifier" from your Auth0 API settings

Local dev

You can run the frontend on localhost and talk to the Cloud API.

  1. Run cloud start in the backend folder

  2. Change NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL in .env.development to point to your personal instance URL

  3. run npm start in the frontend folder

Personal instance

  1. Run npm run build in the frontend folder
  2. Run cloud start in the backend folder

The static folder in the backend folder links to the out folder of the frontend app, so will be synced to your Cloud personal instance every time you build.

Deploy to prod

In the Cloud shell, run deploy prod --overwrite to deploy to the prod named instance.