
NPM version Greenkeeper badge Build status



To install from NPM:

npm install Brightspace/d2l-content-store


<script type="module">
    import 'Brightspace/d2l-content-store/d2l-content-store.js';
<d2l-content-store>My element</d2l-content-store>

Developing, Testing and Contributing

After cloning the repo, run npm install to install dependencies.

If you don't have it already, install the Polymer CLI globally:

npm install -g polymer-cli

Running the demos

To start a local web server that hosts the demo page and tests:

polymer serve


To lint:

npm run lint

To run local unit tests:

npm run test:local

To run a subset of local unit tests, modify your local index.html, or start the dev server and navigate to the desired test page.

To run both linting and unit tests:

npm test

Versioning, Releasing & Deploying

All version changes should obey semantic versioning rules.

Include either [increment major], [increment minor] or [increment patch] in your merge commit message to automatically increment the package.json version and create a tag.