
Cross-platform build automation system

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

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Getting Started

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Execute one of the following commands based on the currently running operating system:

# PowerShell
powershell -Command iwr https://nuke.build/powershell -OutFile setup.ps1
powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File ./setup.ps1

# Bash
curl -Lsfo setup.sh https://nuke.build/bash
chmod +x setup.sh; ./setup.sh

On our website there is a complete getting started guide that explains all the basics of this project.


You can vote for your favorite missing features by clicking the image below:

Feature Requests

You have a valuable piece of code and want to share it with the community? Don't hesitate to paste it into the description field and we will take care of generalizing and including it.


Contributors TeamCity Build Bitrise Build

If you want to contribute, please first get personal with us about your intentions in our Gitter channel. This largely increases the chances for pull-requests getting accepted and helps us establishing a clean and meaningful design of new features. At the same time it reduces the chances of duplicated work.



Copyright © Matthias Koch.

This project is provided as-is under the MIT license. For more information see the LICENSE file.

Built with Nuke