Penny Auction Observer can record penny auctions taking place on penny auction websites.

How do you use it?

ruby bin/pa_auction_bot.rb -- help

What does it do?

I "observes" a live penny auction, and executes blocks of ruby code at the key events.
The blocks of ruby code are stored in interchangeable hook files.
The key events are:
- Monitoring a new auction
- New bids occur on a live auction
- A timer threshold is reached
- The auction ends

What is it useful for?

- Creating logs of penny auctions
- Creating bots which can bid on penny auctions (not recommended by the authors of this tool)
- Doing research on penny auctions

Why did you make it?

Penny auctions are an interesting thing.
In my opinion they exploit weaknesses in the human psyche, much the same way gambling does.
I wanted to collect data and study this phenomenon, strictly for my own fun.