
This project is generated by creator

Setup Instructions

  • Run npm ci to install dependencies.
  • Copy .env.example to .env and update details.
  • Run migrations using node ace migration:run

If RBAC is enabled

  • Run node ace db:seed -f database/seeders/Role once and only once to seed roles and permissions data.
  • Run node ace db:seed -f database/seeders/Permission once and only once to seed roles and permissions data.
  • Run node ace db:seed -f database/seeders/PermissionRole once and only once to seed roles and permissions data.


  • .nvmrc for automatic nvm version switching where supported.
  • .vscode folder with recommended plugins for easy development.
  • Pre commit hooks for code formatting code.
  • ESLint and prettier integrated for code formating and linting.
  • Sample test file included.