If you already have conda installed skip to 'Creating the example environment'
Conda comes with Intel Python. You can get Intel Python at https://software.intel.com/python-distribution. I recommend selecting the local user install.
You can also get conda by installing Continuum Miniconda at http://conda.pydata.org/miniconda.html
# upgrade to latest conda if you don't have 4.1.*
# Give full path to conda if it is not on your path
conda update conda
# Tell conda you prefer the intel versions of packages in .condarc
conda config --add channels intel
# Create an environment with intel python and some other packages
conda create -n nb -c rscohn2 intelpython3_examples python=3
# After create completes, it will tell you how to activate the
# environment. You may have to give the full path to
# the activate script. Alternatively, you can give the full path to python
# and jupyter when trying the examples
# the path is the installation path e.g ~/intel/intelpython35/envs/nb/bin/jupyter
jupyter notebook