
Command line migration manager for the Contentful platform

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Migrateful is a migration manager for the Contentful platform.

  • Represent your data schemas in code
  • Automatically pick up and apply migration scripts
  • Version releases for easy rollback
  • Separate environments for prod, dev, and features
  • No installation necessary


Contentful has nice SDK's in place for cloning environments and running migrations scripts. However, these are somewhat low-level. You can either run each migration script by hand or create your own versioning system.

Migrateful gives you a complete migration system out of the box. It is designed based on Contentful's scripting guide with a few more conveniences built in. Just create a new Contentful space, drop in your migration scripts, and run npx migrateful.

Setup the space

You will need the SpaceID and a personal access token

  • Create an empty Space

    • Go to Organization settingsAdd space
    • Name your space and select Empty space
    • In the new space, go to SettingsGeneral settings
    • Copy the Space ID
  • Create a personal access token

    • Go to SettingsAPI keysContent management tokens
    • Click Generate personal token
    • Name the token and copy the key
  • Opt into the master alias

    • Go to SettingsEnvironments
    • Click Set up your first alias
    • It will ask to rename the master environment ... say yes


Put all of your contentful migration scripts in a folder called migrations. Name them using the format {version}-{name}.js. For example, you might have 01-init.js, 02-add-post-type.js, 03-add-title-field.js.

Run the following command, where <env> is your environment name. For your prod environment, this can be either master or main. For a dev or feature environment, you can name it whatever your want. A new environment will be created and the migrations will be applied.

npx migrateful <env>

Migrateful will read your space ID and access token from the environment.

export CONTENTFUL_SPACE_ID=<spaceId>