
Compare message IDs across IMAP server pairs to verify replication status.

Primary LanguagePython


Copyright © 2020 Ralph Seichter

Compare message IDs across server pairs to verify replication success. Requires Python 3.7 or newer.

usage: imapdiag [-h] [-c] [-f FILTER] [-m REGEX] [-x REGEX] [-l LEVEL]
                [-s URL] [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD]
                server [server ...]

IMAP server diagnostics

positional arguments:
  server       IMAP server

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  -c           Clear database on startup
  -f FILTER    IMAP search filter (default: UNDELETED)
  -m REGEX     Mailbox include regex (default: ^INBOX$)
  -x REGEX     Mailbox exclude regex (default: see documentation)
  -l LEVEL     Log level (default: DEBUG)
  -s URL       SQLAlchemy database URL (default: sqlite:///:memory:)
  -u USER      User name
  -p PASSWORD  Password

Default installation

python3.7 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install imapdiag

Alternative: Ubuntu 18 LTS without "pip"

Download the source distribution file imapdiag-VERSION.tar.gz from PyPI.org

sudo apt install python3.7 python3.7-venv python3-sqlalchemy sqlite3
tar xzf /path/to/imapdiag-VERSION.tar.gz
cd imapdiag-VERSION
alias imapdiag="PYTHONPATH=. python3.7 -m imapdiag"

Mode of operation

  • If only one server is specified, imapdiag will execute a scan of that server and exit. This can be used for connection testing.

  • If two servers are specified, imapdiag compares message IDs for the specified IMAP account and mailboxes across both servers.

  • If three or more servers are specified, imapdiag will compare message IDs on server1 with server2, then compare server1 with server3, and so forth.

Database configuration

Detailed information about SQLAlchemy URLs and supported database dialects is available here. Imapdiag will attempt to create missing databases and the necessary structure. This usually works well when using SQLite, but may fail with other database types.

Server names and ports

Server names can be specified as fully qualified names or IP addresses. An optional colon and a port number can be added, e.g. imapserver.domain.tld:567. The default is TCP port 993 (imaps).

Argument files

You can specify arguments on the command line and/or in files. The latter can be referenced using the @ character prefix. When using files, argument keys and values must be specified on separate lines:


If you choose to save password data in a file, make very sure to restrict access. Specifying passwords on the command line is not a safer option, because other users on the machine may be able to inspect process arguments.

Assuming you have stored this configuration in the file /tmp/args, you can call the utility as follows:

imapdiag @/tmp/args -u janedoe*MASTERUSER

Specifying mailbox names

Exclusion and inclusion of mailbox names is specified using case-insensitive Python 3 regular expressions. Make sure to quote expressions as required by your shell. To include all subscribed mailboxes of an IMAP account, use -m . (a single dot, not an asterisk). The default exclusion RE is this:


Note that exclusion has higher priority than inclusion.