
Components for Rails.

Primary LanguageRuby


View Components for Rails.


Cells allow you to encapsulate parts of your page into separate MVC components. These components are called view models.

You can render view models anywhere in your code. Mostly, cells are used in views to replace a helper/partial/filter mess, as a mailer renderer substitute or they get hooked to routes to completely bypass ActionController.

As you have already noticed we use cell and view model interchangeably here.

No ActionView

Starting with Cells 4.0 we no longer use ActionView as a template engine. Removing this jurassic dependency cuts down Cells' rendering code to less than 50 lines and improves rendering speed by 300%!

Note for Cells 3.x: This README only documents Cells 4.0. Please read the old README if you're using Cells 3.x.


Cells run with all Rails >= 3.2. Lower versions of Rails will still run with Cells, but you will get in trouble with the helpers.

gem 'cells', "~> 4.0.0"

File Layout

Cells are placed in app/cells.

├── cells
│   ├── comment_cell.rb
│   ├── comment
│   │   ├── show.haml
│   │   ├── list.haml


Use the bundled generator to set up a cell.

rails generate cell comment show
create  app/cells/
create  app/cells/comment
create  app/cells/comment_cell.rb
create  app/cells/comment/show.haml

Rendering View Models

Cells brings you one helper method #cell to be used in your controller views or layouts.

= cell(:comment, Comment.find(1))

Note that a view model always requires a model in the constructor (or a composition). This doesn't have to be an ActiveRecord object but can be any type of Ruby object you want to present.

This will instantiate an actual cell instance. Once the cell's #to_s method is called (which happens implicitely via the rendering outer template) this will invoke the cell's #show method. Please refer to the docs for different ways of invoking view models.

View Model Classes

A view model is always implemented as a class. This gives you encapsulation, proper inheritance and namespacing out-of-the-box.

class CommentCell < Cell::ViewModel
  def show

Calling #render will render the cell's show.haml template, located in app/cells/comment. Invoking render is explicit: this means, it really returns the rendered view string, allowing you to modify the HTML afterwards.

def show
  "<div>" + render + "</div>"

Views In Theory

In Cells, we don't distinguish between view or partial. Every view you render is a partial, every partial a view. You can render views inside views, compose complex UI blocks with multiple templates and go crazy. This is what cells views are made for.

Cells supports all template engines that are supported by the excellent tilt gem - namely, this is ERB, HAML, Slim, and many more.

In these examples, we're using HAML.

BTW, Cells doesn't include the format into the view name. 99% of all cells render HTML anyway, so we prefer short names like show.haml.

Views In Practice

Let's check out the show.haml view to see how they work.

-# app/cells/comment/show.haml

%h1 Comment

= model.body
= link_to model.author.name, model.author

Cells provides you the view model via the #model method. Here, this returns the Comment instance passed into the constructor.

Of course, this view is a mess and needs be get cleaned up!

Logicless Views

This is how a typical view looks in a view model.

-# app/cells/comment/show.haml

%h1 Comment

= body
= author_link

The methods we call in the view now need to be defined in the cell instance.

class CommentCell < Cell::ViewModel
  def show


  def body

  def author_link
    link_to model.author.name, model.author

See how you can use helpers in a cell instance?

No Helpers

The difference to conventional Rails views is that every method called in a view is directly called on the cell instance. The cell instance is the rendering context. This allows a very object-oriented and clean way to implement views.

Helpers as known from conventional Rails where methods and variables get copied between view and controller no longer exist in Cells.

Note that you can still use helpers like link_to and all the other friends - you have to include them into the cell class, though.

Automatic Properties

Often, as in the #body method, you simply need to delegate properties from the model. This can be done automatically using ::property.

class CommentCell < Cell::ViewModel
  def show

  property :body
  property :author

  def author_link
    link_to author.name, author

Readers are automatically created when defined with ::property.


multiple times allowed :view :format ".html" template_engine view_paths


Invocation styles

TODO: merge stuff below!

File Structure

TODO: rails g concept Song => show.haml,

In Cells 3.10 we introduce a new optional file structure integrating with Trailblazer's "concept-oriented" layout.

This new file layout makes a cell fully self-contained so it can be moved around just by grabbing one single directory.

Activate it with

class Comment::Cell

  # ...

Now, the cell directory ideally looks like the following.

├── cells
│   ├── comment
│   │   ├── cell.rb
│   │   ├── views
│   │   │   ├── show.haml
│   │   │   ├── list.haml

Here, cell class and associated views are in the same self-contained comment directory.

You can use the new views directory along with leaving your cell class at app/cells/comment_cell.rb, if you fancy that.

Asset Pipeline

Cells can also package their own assets like JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Sass and stylesheets. When configured, those files go directly into Rails' asset pipeline. This is a great way to clean up your assets by pushing scripts and styles into the component they belong to. It makes it so much easier to find out which files are actually involved per "widget".

Note: This feature is still experimental and the API (file name conventions, configuration, etc.) might change.

Assets per default sit in the cell's assets/ directory.

├── cells
│   ├── comment
│   │   ├── views
│   │   ├── ..
│   │   ├── assets
│   │   │   ├── comment.js.coffee
│   │   │   ├── comment.css.sass

Adding the assets files to the asset pipeline currently involves two steps (I know it feels a bit clumsy, but I'm sure we'll find a way to make it better soon).

  1. Tell Rails that this cell provides its own self-contained assets.

    Gemgem::Application.configure do
      # ...
      config.cells.with_assets = %w(comment)

    This will add app/cells/comment/assets/ to the asset pipeline's paths.

  2. Include the assets in application.js and application.css.sass

    In app/assets/application.js, you have to add the cell assets manually.

    //=# require comments

    Same goes into app/assets/application.css.sass.

    @import 'comments';

In future versions, we wanna improve this by automatically including cell assets and avoiding name clashes. If you have ideas, suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

Rendering Global Partials

Sometimes you need to render a global partial from app/views within a cell. For instance, the gmaps4rails helper depends on a global partial. While this breaks encapsulation it's still possible in cells - just add the global view path.

class MapCell < Cell::Rails
  append_view_path "app/views"

  def show
    render partial: 'shared/map_form'

Note that you have to use render partial: which will then look in the global view directory and render the partial found at app/views/shared/map_form.html.haml.

View Inheritance

This is where OOP comes back to your view.

  • Inherit code into your cells by deriving more abstract cells.
  • Inherit views from parent cells.

Sharing Views

Sometimes it is handy to reuse an existing view directory from another cell, to avoid a growing number of directories. You could derive the new cell and thus inherit the view paths.

class Comment::FormCell < CommentCell

This does not only allow view inheritance, but will also inherit all the code from CommentCell. This might not be what you want.

If you're just after inheriting the views, use ::inherit_views.

class Comment::FormCell < Cell::Rails
  inherit_views CommentCell

When rendering views in FormCell, the view directories to look for templates will be inherited.


Let render_cell take care of creating the right cell. Just configure your super-cell properly.

class LoginCell < Cell::Rails
  build do
    UnauthorizedUserCell unless logged_in?

A call to

render_cell(:login, :box)

will render the configured UnauthorizedUserCell instead of the original LoginCell if the login test fails.


Cells allow you to cache per state. It's simple: the rendered result of a state method is cached and expired as you configure it.

To cache forever, don't configure anything

class CartCell < Cell::Rails
  cache :show

  def show

This will run #show only once, after that the rendered view comes from the cache.

Cache Options

Note that you can pass arbitrary options through to your cache store. Symbols are evaluated as instance methods, callable objects (e.g. lambdas) are evaluated in the cell instance context allowing you to call instance methods and access instance variables. All arguments passed to your state (e.g. via render_cell) are propagated to the block.

cache :show, :expires_in => 10.minutes

If you need dynamic options evaluated at render-time, use a lambda.

cache :show, :tags => lambda { |*args| tags }

If you don't like blocks, use instance methods instead.

class CartCell < Cell::Rails
  cache :show, :tags => :cache_tags

  def cache_tags(*args)
    # do your magic..

Conditional Caching

The +:if+ option lets you define a condition. If it doesn't return a true value, caching for that state is skipped.

cache :show, :if => lambda { |*| has_changed? }

Cache Keys

You can expand the state's cache key by appending a versioner block to the ::cache call. This way you can expire state caches yourself.

class CartCell < Cell::Rails
  cache :show do |options|

The versioner block is executed in the cell instance context, allowing you to access all stakeholder objects you need to compute a cache key. The return value is appended to the state key: "cells/cart/show/1".

As everywhere in Rails, you can also return an array.

class CartCell < Cell::Rails
  cache :show do |options|
    [id, options[:items].md5]

Resulting in: "cells/cart/show/1/0ecb1360644ce665a4ef".

Debugging Cache

When caching is turned on, you might wanna see notifications. Just like a controller, Cells gives you the following notifications.

  • write_fragment.action_controller for cache miss.
  • read_fragment.action_controller for cache hits.

To activate notifications, include the Notifications module in your cell.

class Comment::Cell < Cell::Rails
  include Cell::Caching::Notifications


Cache configuration is inherited to derived cells.

A Note On Fragment Caching

Fragment caching is not implemented in Cells per design - Cells tries to move caching to the class layer enforcing an object-oriented design rather than cluttering your views with caching blocks.

If you need to cache a part of your view, implement that as another cell state.

Testing Caching

If you want to test it in development, you need to put config.action_controller.perform_caching = true in development.rb to see the effect.


Another big advantage compared to monolithic controller/helper/partial piles is the ability to test your cells isolated.


So what if you wanna test the cart cell? Use the generated test/cells/cart_cell_test.rb test.

class CartCellTest < Cell::TestCase
  test "show" do
    invoke :show, :user => @user_fixture
    assert_select "#cart", "You have 3 items in your shopping cart."

Don't forget to put require 'cell/test_case' in your project's test/test_helper.rb file.

Then, run your tests with

rake test:cells

That's easy, clean and strongly improves your component-driven software quality. How'd you do that with partials?


If you prefer RSpec examples, use the rspec-cells gem for specing.

it "should render the posts count" do
  render_cell(:posts, :count).should have_selector("p", :content => "4 posts!")

To run your specs we got a rake task, too!

rake spec:cells


The #call method also accepts a block and yields self (the cell instance) to it. This is extremely helpful for using content_for outside of the cell.

  = cell(:song, Song.last).call(:show) do |cell|
    content_for :footer, cell.footer

Note how the block is run in the global view's context, allowing you to use global helpers like content_for.

Using Decorators (Twins)

You need to include the disposable gem in order to use this.

gem "disposable"

With Cells 3.12, a new experimental concept enters the stage: Decorators in view models. As the view model should only contain logic related to presentation (which can get quite a bit), decorators - called _Twins_ -  can be defined and automatically setup for your model.

Twins are a general concept in Trailblazer and are used everywhere where representers, forms, operations or cells need additional logic that has to be shared between layers. So, this extra step allows re-using your decorator for presentations other than the cell, e.g. in a JSON API, tests, etc.

Also, logic that simply doesn't belong to in a view-related class goes into a twin. That could be code to figure out if a user in logged in.

class SongCell < Cell::ViewModel
  include Properties

  class Twin < Cell::Twin # this is your decorator
    property :title
    property :id
    option :in_stock?

  properties Twin

  def show
    if in_stock?
      "You're lucky #{title} (#{id}) is in stock!"

In this example, we define the twin _in_ the cell itself. That could be done anywhere, as long as you tell the cell where to find the twin (`properties Twin`).

### Creating A Twin Cell

You create your cell as follows.

cell("song", Song.find(1), in_stock?: true)

Internally, a twin is created from the arguments and passed to the view model. The view model cell now only works on the twin, not on the model anymore.

The twin simply acts as a delegator between the cell and the model: attributes defined with `property` are copied from the model, `option` values _have_ to be passed explicitely to the constructor. The twin defines an _interface_ for using your cell.

Another awesome thing is that you can now easily test your cell by "mocking" values.

it "renders nicely" do
  cell("song", song, in_stock?: true, title: "Mocked Song Title").must_match ...

The twin will simply use the passed `:title` and not copy the title from the song model, making it really easy to test edge cases in your view model.

### Extending Decorators

A decorator without any logic only gives you a tiny improvement, they become really helpful when including your own decorator logic.

class Twin < Cell::Twin # this is your decorator
  property :title
  property :id
  option :in_stock?

  def title
    super.downcase # super to retrieve the original title from model!

The same logic can now be used in a cell, a JSON or XML API endpoint or in the model layer.

Note: If there's enough interest, this could also be extended to work with draper and other decoration gems.

### Nested Rendering

When extracting parts of your view into a partial, as we did for the author section, you're free to render additional views using `#render`. Again, wrap render calls in instance methods, otherwise you'll end up with too much logic in your view.

class SongCell < Cell::ViewModel
  include TimeagoHelper

  property :title

  # ...

  def author_box
    render :author # same as render view: :author

This will simply render the `author.haml` template in the same context as the `show` view, meaning you might use helpers, again.

### Encapsulation

If in doubt, encapsulate nested parts of your view into a separate cell. You can use the `#cell` method in your cell to instantiate a nested cell.

Designing view models to create kickass UIs for your domain layer is discussed in 50+ pages in [my upcoming book](http://nicksda.apotomo.de).

### Alternative Instantiation

You don't need to pass in a model, it can also be a hash for a composition.

  cell(album, song: song, composer: album.composer)

This will create two readers in the cell for you automatically: `#song` and `#composer`.

Note that we are still working on a declarative API for compositions. It will be similar to the one found in Reform, Disposable::Twin and Representable:

  property :title, on: :song
  property :last_name, on: :composer

## Mountable Cells

Cells 3.8 got rid of the ActionController dependency. This essentially means you can mount Cells to routes or use them like a Rack middleware. All you need to do is derive from Cell::Base.

class PostCell < Cell::Base

In your `routes.rb` file, mount the cell like a Rack app.

match "/posts" => proc { |env|
  [ 200, {}, [ Cell::Base.render_cell_for(:post, :show) ]]

### Cells in ActionMailer

ActionMailer doesn't have request object, so if you inherit from Cell::Rails you will receive an error. Cell::Base will fix that problem, but you will not be able to use any of routes inside your cells.

You can fix that with [actionmailer_with_request](https://github.com/weppos/actionmailer_with_request) which (suprise!) brings request object to the ActionMailer.

## Cells is Rails::Engine aware!

Now `Rails::Engine`s can contribute to Cells view paths. By default, any 'app/cells' found inside any Engine is automatically included into Cells view paths. If you need to, you can customize the view paths changing/appending to the `'app/cell_views'` path configuration. See the `Cell::EngineIntegration` for more details.

## Generator Options

By default, generated cells inherit from `Cell::Rails`. If you want to change this, specify your new class name in `config/application.rb`:

### Base Class

module MyApp
  class Application < Rails::Application
    config.generators do |g|
      g.base_cell_class "ApplicationCell"

### Base Path

You can configure the cells path in case your cells don't reside in `app/cells`.

config.generators do |g|
  g.base_cell_path "app/widgets"

## Capture Support

If you need a global `#content_for` use the [cells-capture](https://github.com/apotonick/cells-capture) gem.

Go for it, you'll love it!


Copyright (c) 2007-2014, Nick Sutterer

Copyright (c) 2007-2008, Solide ICT by Peter Bex and Bob Leers

Released under the MIT License.