Unsupervised Word Segmentation for Neural Machine Translation and Text Generation
- 520jeffersonXiaoMi
- abhi3pIndia
- alpha19881007
- antgr
- arvieFrydenlundUniversity of Toronto
- badlogicmanpreetSalesforce R&D
- bikdroidMS in CS at UT Dallas
- chaggeChagge AI
- chenghuigebeijing
- duyvuleo@oracle
- ericxsun@cins-china
- everglowing
- fkrasnov
- frankiegu
- heathenry
- jhcloos
- jvdbogae
- karendengUniversity of Cambridge
- kwonyoungjoo
- LandingSir
- laurencecaoShanghai
- liuyuuan
- mpatsisUniversity of Edinburgh
- noeBarcelona, Spain
- PandaDrunkardTokyo, Japan
- roeeaharoniGoogle
- rsennrichUniversity of Zurich
- SanqiangUniversity Of Pittsburgh
- shuaihhx
- strategist922Microsoft
- tiendung
- timwee
- winggyn
- XiliangSongUCAS
- ydh0120Seoul, Republic of Korea
- zh794390558baidu