
iOS App to manage workflow for contractors

Primary LanguagePython


An iOS App to manage workflow for contractors.

ContractFlow is live on the App Store.

login screen dashboard screen locations screen meeting screen settings screen


Run Locally

  1. Clone the repo

  2. Create a folder in ContractFlow called authentication

  3. Create auth.py in authentication

  4. Store your Firebase Web API Key in a constant called API_KEY

    • Project Settings --> General --> Web API Key
  5. Store your Firebase Project URL in a constant called BASE_URL

    • "https://-default-rtdb.firebaseio.com/"
  6. Install Kivy-Garden dependencies

    garden install circularlayout
    garden install circulardatetimepicker
  7. Follow the steps in Usage


To run the app from the Python interpreter:

python3 main.py

To run from the Xcode Simulator:

  1. Install dependencies (using brew and Xcode 10+)
xcode-select --install
brew install autoconf automake libtool pkg-config
brew link libtool
  1. Start compilation
toolchain build python3 kivy
  1. Create the Xcode Project (where the directory is your source code)
toolchain create ContractFlow ~/user/Desktop/ContractFlow
open contractflow-ios/contractflow.xcodeproj
  1. Click Play within Xcode