In this project you will make a Rock, Paper, Scissors game and play against the computer. The winner is decided by these rules:
- Rock blunts scissors
- Paper covers rock
- Scissors cut paper
- First, let the player choose Rock, Paper or Scissors by typing the letter ‘r’, ‘p’ or ‘s’;
- Then computers turn;
- Decide game win, lose or draw, print choice of both sides
- Use python to implement the game play
- Write unit tests with pytest "Pytest is a mature full-featured Python testing tool that helps you write better programs" -
You are required to create a Dockerfile that allows us to build a docker container and execute the tool with docker run without having any dependencies other than docker installed, the following is what a user should do to run the application or tests:
- docker run -it pytest -v should execute the unit tests
- docker run -it should execute the app
Please use one of the following methods to share your solution with us:
- The preferred way is to create a repo on github or gitlab and share the link with us
- Zip all your solution and send it to us via email
- Share it using google drive or something similar
- Clean, maintainable and working code
- Comments if/where appropriate
- Ability to write unit tests and mock external services
- Ability to use and deploy in containers
- Readme file describing how to run the application and unit tests