
XTF upgrade for conference abstracts of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO)

Primary LanguageXSLT

Digital Humanities (ADHO) Conference Abstracts Collection

Current version at digitalhumanities.org

The latest release can be downloaded here.

Abstracts Collection
The collection site provides a central, public location for search, discovery, and preservation of conference abstracts submitted by attendees to the annual ADHO conference. The software platform, eXtensible Text Framework (XTF), enables powerful indexing, keyword search, and faceted browsing for abstract documents, all which have been encoded in TEI/XML. The current version, a mostly out-of-the-box XTF implementation meant to be temporary, was first installed in 2004. The phase one work on the new version has updated, replaced, and rewritten the XTF implementation, customized the application for the specific requirements of the ADHO documents, added a branded user interface, standardized display and documentation, and performed initial improvements on the XML encoded data.

For more on the eXtensible Text Framework, see the site maintained by the California Digital Library. The platform is in wide use by libraries for maintaining finding aids and managing archival metadata.

All work has been performed by Richard Higgins for the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO).
Questions and comments? Need help with installation? Contact me through my personal site or Twitter.

Project Summary by phase

  1. Fix the present site (completed)
  • upgrade software
  • rewrite outdated code
  • address inconsistencies and errors in current XML markup and metadata
  • establish a GitHub-based version-tracking workflow
  • improve the user interface and faceted search
  1. Bring the content of the Collection up-to-date (scheduled to begin)
  • encode and integrate all documents from 2004 to the present
  • validate and normalize markup in the entire collection
  • add support for the display of images for those abstracts that include screenshots
  • graphs, and charts, and create guidelines, templates, and schemas for future conference abstracts
  1. Incorporate abstracts from pre-1996 conferences (status not yet determined)
  • collect conference material from the 1970s, 80s and early 90s
  • scan and OCR non-digital documents
  • ensure that the abstracts dataset conforms to the definitions and standards that we have codified
  • revise XTF code and specifications as needed to accommodate the expanded collection of XML documents

Apache Software License, BSD License, Mozilla Public License 1.0 (MPL)
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