Miscellaneous scripts for use with Chakra Linux.
##ccrdups Finds packages that exist with the same name in both the CCR and the main repos, and prints detailed, colorized results. This script is slow.
##makeccrlist Makes a list of installed packages not in the main repos.
##makepackagelist Makes a list of installed packages that exist in the main repos.
Prints a list of installed packages in the format XYZ.ABCKiB packagename
. This script was meant to be piped through sort, like pacman-size-list | sort -n
, in order to find the packages taking up the most space on the system. It is rather slow.
##pacstats Prints a list of installed packages by repo, and some simple statistics.
##update-bundle-links and remove-bundle-links The first creates links for bundles based on name (eg, firefox-11.0-1 becomes firefox); the second removes all files created by the first. These scripts were created to get over the inconvenience of having all the bundle shortcuts that are pinned to a taskbar break every time the bundle is updated, among other things.