
OpenGL renderer with water effects

Primary LanguageC++

Render Side render


An OpenGL renderer for rippling water.

This project builds off of the LearnOpenGL series and ThinMatrix's tutorial on rendering water in OpenGL. It serves as my introduction to OpenGL.

Features include:

  • 3D Model, texture, and normal-map loading with assimp
  • Interactive view of scene that can be controlled with WASD keys and cursor
  • API for placing, scaling, and rotating objects
  • Point lights and directional lights
  • Skyboxes
  • Watery surfaces with reflection, refraction, ripples via dudv maps, the Fresnel effect, and transparency in shallow regions of water.

I developed this project on an x86 Mac, so the build system will probably favor people who are using those machines.


Clone repository: git clone --recurse-submodule https://github.com/rshiv2/glWater

This project uses assimp to load 3D models.

To compile assimp: cd external/assimp cmake CMakeLists.txt && make -j{<number of cores}

On linux, you can get the number of cores with nproc, on Mac, you can get it with sysctl -n hw.ncpu.


  • Object picking and placing. It's currently really tedious to design scenes. My process was to nudge an object, compile, see the results, then repeat.
  • Fix weird artifacts that occur at interface of water and terrain.
  • Introduce bloom and deferred shading. I want to add lots more light sources, and make them look a bit more realistic.
  • Speed up model loading. I need to profile this part of the code in order to be sure, but my guess is that assimp is taking a long time to load in 3D models.