128 Technology script for handling log files in python.
usage: t128_aap_logscanner.py [-h] [--startdate [STARTDATE]]
[--enddate [ENDDATE]] [--ap [AP]] [--saltcall]
[--force] [--e6] [--e7] [--getstore [GETSTORE]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--startdate [STARTDATE]
Provide a start date, for example: 2019-06-13.
Defaults to today's date
--enddate [ENDDATE] Provide an end date, for example: 2019-06-13. Defaults
to today's date
--ap [AP] Provide an access provider to filter by, for example:
--saltcall Set this flag to run a salt call on gathered store
--force Set this flag to autoagree to all user prompts.
--e6 Set this flag to filter by E6 stores.
--e7 Set this flag to filter by E7 stores.
--getstore [GETSTORE]
Prove a StoreNumber to retrieve.