CLOB and BLOB datatype are not supported
harsh288 opened this issue · 4 comments
Hello Everyone,
I'm using fluentd and using fluent SQL plugin along with oracle_enhanced adapter, but the datatype clob and blob are not working, please help.
<match MIOLogMessage>
@type sql
flush_interval 10
host localhost
database GOAORA
port 1521
adapter oracle_enhanced
username admin
password admin
table logmessage
column_mapping 'miologid:miologid,timestamputc:timestamputc,messageid:messageid'
flush_interval 1s
seems like a duplicate of #2216
Still there is no support on this ??
@harsh288 , I don't use fluentd and can't tell. I'm trying to submit the hacks from our repo here one by one. The original issue seems to be closed and I didn't see the described issue here when running oracle-enhanced test suite but again, not using fluentd so I don't know what is it doing.
Do you see the issue with the latest commit of oracle-enhanced? If you can test that, it may help. I see some strange behavior with lobs in master as well I still have a few hacks related to lobs in my repo that I need to upstream (if they are still relevant). So checking how latest commit works for you may help. Also posting some logs of the SQL queries leading to the issue may also be very useful.
@akostadinov Yeah, I haven't tried the latest package, just checking if it's fixed in the latest pkg so that I can install it.. will update you, thanks !!