- 0
- 1
Unable to establish TCPS connections on Port 2484 with remote Oracle Server
#2414 opened by kedarpethe37 - 2
7.1 update: strange serialize behavior
#2410 opened by Bjoernsen - 0
- 0
Support for Rails 7.2
#2411 opened by dwarner - 16
Please privide Rails 7.1 compatibility
#2357 opened by drgcms - 0
Support `build_explain_clause(options = [])`
#2394 opened by yahonda - 0
Reintroduce support for `supports_fetch_first_n_rows_and_offset?` functionality
#2395 opened by yahonda - 0
Can you set `schema` via `DATABASE_URL`
#2390 opened by matthewtusker - 1
"Assign auto populated columns on Active Record object creation", breaks the returning of id on insert
#2380 opened by andynu - 0
Enum name query doesn't work with char type
#2383 opened by yusiro-bps - 1
Can't create a table with default bigint primary key.
#2382 opened by jva - 5
- 1
#2329 opened by yahonda - 4
- 5
Installation of >=v7.0.1 fails with JRuby
#2350 opened by hummeltech - 0
- 1
Need to support rails/rails#44570
#2269 opened by yahonda - 5
- 5
db:schema:load fails with error `NoMethodError: undefined method 'to_sym' for {:type=>:string, :limit=>36}:Hash`
#2340 opened by roygopal - 0
ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::OracleEnhanced::Connection::describe can fail for long table/view names
#2343 opened by jmmorganMSTS - 1
Question: Will you support JDBC Reactive Extensions?
#2315 opened by stackmystack - 1
#2317 opened by ashrafalzyoud - 3
Issue using time_zone in database yml connecting to aws rds oracle databases
#2314 opened by grantlees - 0
#2306 opened by yahonda - 2
Can we expect a new release
#2311 opened by rammpeter - 0
#2310 opened by yahonda - 1
varchar to boolean mapping.
#2305 opened by abhitiwari1322 - 1
Upgrade from 5.2.8 to 6.1.4 - Error when database config attribute "username" leverages proxy auth format
#2297 opened by coreypmurphy-regions - 5
OracleEnhancedAdapter.emulate_booleans doesn't work
#2256 opened by areman - 0
JDBC_Connection.rb get_ruby_value_from_result_set doesn't handle BINARY_DOUBLE
#2302 opened by mikemattball - 2
- 6
No DLL is found to hook.
#2262 opened by harveyflinn - 0
prefetch_primary_key? performance issues
#2292 opened by ioev - 0
ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::OracleEnhanced::SchemaStatements#table_comment not working correctly in 6.x
#2285 opened by istrasci - 0
Need to support rails/rails#44526
#2270 opened by yahonda - 0
Need to support rails/rails#44527
#2267 opened by yahonda - 0
Matching for equality of CLOB fields fails
#2239 opened by akostadinov - 4
CLOB and BLOB datatype are not supported
#2211 opened by harsh288 - 2
System user other than "SYSTEM"
#2257 opened by ioev - 0
- 1
#write_lobs called only on update but not on create
#2226 opened by akostadinov - 3
running test locally
#2229 opened by akostadinov - 3
make ruby-oci8 a dependency
#2238 opened by akostadinov - 0
Second DB connection has same connection_db_config (by object ID) as first DB connection
#2227 opened by mkolmar - 2
With column having CLOB/BLOB data type an empty value is always inserted in the table.
#2216 opened by apoduval-tibco - 0
Include check constraints in structure.sql
#2213 opened by benny-burkhart - 0
scopes through associations chained with .order fail
#2212 opened by wrkrb33 - 0
Multible Databases with different schemas not working
#2208 opened by flomickl - 0