
Original idea

Camera stand that can rotate and turn up and down to capture and identify objects anywhere in the room, through AI/ML software.


prototype stand prototype stand socket

Handcrafted from plywood, with dense wood to connect to the motor axis. Rotor diameter is 20cm, height is approx. 16cm.

Two 4-wire stepper motors, connect to Arduno Uno via pins 2-5 (a1-4) and 6-9 (b1-4) through ULN2003 drivers. Arduino is bus powered, motors use external 5V power supply. With the built in gear the motor requires 512 full steps for a 360° turn.

Load serial4stepper.ino into the Arduino. It should appear as /dev/ttyACM0. Use arduino-serial.py to send commands, one per line:

  • l - left
  • r - right
  • u - up
  • d- down
  • (number) - sets the step size for all following operations
  • rot - returns the hardware counter for rotation
  • ele - returns the hardware counter for elevation
  • reset - resets the hardware counters and returns "OK"


CAD layout and 3d-printed stand with better bearings and less play, cabling that allows 360° turns.