LinCity-NG a city simulation game Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Building and Installation 3. Gameplay 4. Contact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Introduction LinCity-NG is a city simulation game. It is a polished and improved version of the classic LinCity game. In the game, you are required to build and maintain a city. You can win the game either by building a sustainable economy or by evacuating all citizens with spaceships. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Building and Installation These are generic instructions, please see the wiki for more specific instructions 2.1 Prerequisites The game depends on some tools and libraries to be present, before you can start building it. Here's a list of them: * normal gnu compiler and additional tools (g++ version 3.2 or later is required at the moment) * perforce jam 2.5 or later (used as build tool) * SDL2 2.0.0 or later * SDL2_mixer 2.0.0 or later (with ogg-support enabled) * SDL2_image 2.0.0 or later (with png support) * SDL2_ttf 2.0.12 or later * SDL2_gfx 1.0.0 or later * PhysicsFS 1.0.0 or later (use stable, NOT development branch 1.1.0) * zlib 1.0 or later * libxml 2.6.11 or later If you use packages from you distribution pay attention that you need the header files in addition to the libraries. They are often in separate *-dev packages. Eg. for physfs you need libphysfs and libphysfs-dev. 2.2 Building To build and install the game use the following commands: ./configure jam If you want to install the game, run as root: jam install (If you compile the git version you have to run ./ first.) The configure script also lets you set some more options like the installation directory (--prefix argument). You'll get a full list of these if you invoke "configure --help". 2.3 Starting the game You can start the game by typing lincity-ng 2.4 Exit the game If you are in the main menu, you can quit the program also by pressing 'ESCAPE' or '^c'. This might be a way to terminate the program even if the selected video-mode is not working as expected. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Gameplay See the ingame help [F1] for more details. 3.1 Objective You can win Lincity either by building a sustainable economy or by evacuating all citizens with spaceships. 3.2 Controls Mouse any: Click on Minimap shows the selected Area on mainscreen. right: Drag mainscreen with right mousebutton. right click on mainscreen centers to tile under cursor. select tool from menu root show help on tool middle: middle click on mainscreen to show information about area under cursor. left: Perform action depending on selected tool. Bulldoze, show Information, construct building. open Tool-Selection-Menus select tool from menus wheel: up: zoom in down: zoom out Keyboard ESCAPE switch to query tool KP_PLUS: zoom in KP_MINUS zoom out KP_ENTER zoom 100% KP5 put middle of the map in the center of the main screen KP9 scroll main screen north KP1 scroll main screen south KP7 scroll main screen west KP3 scroll main screen east KP2 scroll main screen se KP4 scroll main screen sw KP6 scroll main screen se KP8 scroll main screen nw same with cursor use shift + direction to scroll faster h to hide high buildings. Press h again to show them. v to cycle through MiniMap-overlay modes b toggle between current tool and bulldoze mode F1 Help F12 quick save F9 quick load ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Contact Bugs should be reported to: You can contact us at the lincity-ng-devel mailinglist: or you might be able to catch us in irc at #lincity. Visit our homepage: