
Quick Rundown of the jQuery library

Primary LanguageJavaScript

jQuery intro notes:

General Notes

What is it?

jQuery is a JavaScript Library built to make traversing and manipulating DOM elements a breeze.

jQuery === Library
JavaScript === Language
Angular === Framework

Why you give a shit?

jQuery will increase your efficiency as a Developer.

It allows you to quickly move from basic BS into crazy advanced DOM manipulation.

Why so awesome?

  • Plugins - Plugins - Plugins!
    • Awesome Javascript: Here's a fantastic JS link. To the point on plugins, go ahead, search for jQuery... Tip of the iceberg buddy.
  • Super easy to pick up.
  • Quickly grab those pesky lil divs tucked away in your DOM.
  • Looks great on the ol' resume.
  • Cross-browser Compatibility
    • Chrome
    • Internet Explorer
    • Safari
    • Firefox
    • Opera

Basic functions:

  • $() -- This is the jQuery selector
  • $(document).ready() -- Get your scripts ready to run.
  • $.on() -- This way to binding event delegation glory.
  • $.ajax() - Want more Internet than your JS script has to offer...? Just AJAX and you're there.

Basic jQUery Workflow:

Find a thing

Do something with the thing

Event Delegation

Event delegation refers to the process of using event propagation (bubbling) to handle events at a higher level in the DOM than the element on which the event originated. It allows us to attach a single event listener for elements that exist now or in the future.

var static = $('some-static-parent-element');
var dynamic = $('dynamically created element you want');

var delegatedEventListener = function(){
  $(static).on('click', 'dynamic', function(event){

The DOM:

DOM === Document Object Model

Harnessing the power of jQuery will give you unprecedented control over the DOM with the kick ass benefit of writing way less code along the way.

jQuery DOM features include:

  • HTML/DOM manipulation
  • CSS manipulation
  • HTML event methods
  • Effects and animations
  • AJAX
  • Various utilities


Specifically for AJAX, jQuery has its own flavor of AJAX which happens to be the flavor we teach @DBC. Being good with jQuery selectors is 3/4 of the battle when writing your jQuery flavored AJAX. The AJAX pattern itself is fairly simple. The selection and manipulation of DOM elements using jQuery around an AJAX call is the tricky bit.


Chrome defines $() as well. This is not jQuery. Always be sure you have actually loaded jQuery into your project. If you can select an element with $ but cannot run various jQuery methods on it this is most likely the culprit (Laugh now... Its happened to better Devs than you friend ;-)

From this point forward your Chrome Dev Tools should never be closed.

More Nice Links:

THE jQuery CheatSheet

Great jQUery tutorial

Learn jQuery with StreetFighter

Various jQuery resources

Style Guide

Quick look at Twenty Great jQuery methods

Truthy VS: Falsey

jsfiddle - jquery show and tell with your friends

30 Great CSS Selectors

Another jQuery Cheatsheet (PDF)

jQuery Selectors