
Poetry using Perl 6

Primary LanguagePerl 6


Perl 6 code that generates poetry.

Code output:

Ending Night with stars
Vastness Greatness Eternity
Milky way Going Away
Last Glowing star Ray
Face with tears of joy
Beating heart Sunrise over mountains
Morning Sun behind cloud Chains
Dreamy Slowly Leaf fluttering in wind Vibration
Sweet Life Poetic Contemplation

How does it work?

This code have a list of Unicode characters (encoded using base 36 to be short) that are converted to their full names (using .uniname command). Sometimes only a word is used (index = n) and sometimes the full unicode name is used (index = 9). Negative index numbers means line break.

Created by Rodrigo de Almeida Siqueira (@rsiqueira)

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