
Implementing actor model to find strings (coins) with given no. of leading zeroes.

Primary LanguageF#


Input to the program is number of leading zeroes required in a result hash and an input string to generate the hash. This program works by concatenating 1...N numbers one by one to the inputstring and checks if the SHA-256 hash has the required number of leading zeroes, if yes, then we are good since we have found the coin (coin is inputStringXXX where XXX is the number, also known as nonce).

We are distributing the work among workers, by providing a range of numbers to each worker. That is, Worker1 gets 1-100000, Worker2 gets 100001-20000. If Worker1 comes back as he didn't find a solution, he is provided with higher range 20001-30000, and so on.. this cycle continues until we find a solution(nonce) from one of the workers.

The goal of this project was to use F# and the actor model to build a good solution to this problem that runs well on multi-core machines.


Machine 1 (Server):

dotnet fsi Program.jsx 6 "siddheshpatil;okfmasnfnfm"

Machine 2,3,4,5... (Client):

dotnet fsi Program.fsx put_server_ip_address_here


Note: The experiment was carried with the aim of finding 50 solutions for each input and test cases.

1. What is the size of the work unit that you determined, results in the best performance for your implementation? Explain how you determined it.

Size of Work Unit: 500,000

Row No. Leading Zeroes Input String No. of Solutions Number of Workers CPU Time (ms) Absolute Time (ms) Ratio Increment
1 4 rishabh.jaiswal:dfjihf 50 12 121670 46688 2.606 1000
2 4 rishabh.jaiswal:dfjihf 50 12 116490 44417 2.623 10000
3 4 rishabh.jaiswal:dfjihf 50 12 147940 54925 2.693 100000
4 4 rishabh.jaiswal:dfjihf 50 12 128130 47052 2.723 500000
5 4 rishabh.jaiswal:dfjihf 50 12 140070 51921 2.698 700000
6 4 rishabh.jaiswal:dfjihf 50 12 119940 44576 2.691 1000000
7 4 rishabh.jaiswal:dfjihf 50 12 120840 46582 2.594 10000000

Explanation: As evident from above table, we measured the performance with different workloads, and found at 500000 subproblems it performed the best.

2. The result of running program for input 4, with CPU, REAL Time.

Each machine had 6 workers. We had 1 server and 4 clients (that is, total: 5 machines). With a workload of 500,000 workunits per worker.

Server (4 cores):


Client 1 (8 cores):


Client 2 (8 cores):


Client 3 (4 cores): client3

Client 4 (8 cores): client4

3. the best running time and ratio for the above input 4 leading zeroes.

When tested on 1 machine (12 workers, 500000 workunits for each worker):

4 cores: 4coresmachine

Real  Time: 128,130 milliseconds

CPU Time: 47,052 milliseconds

Ratio: 2.723

When tested on 5 machines (6 workers, 100000 workunits for each worker):

Real  Time: 28,504 milliseconds

CPU Time: 76,050 milliseconds

Ratio: 2.668

4. The coins with the most 0s you managed to find.

8 leading zeroes.

rishabh.jaiswal:nachos270860675 000000000C8A07621DE19BCF74ABAD4A85841040AD27FDA8CD1EEC2DCE26EC6C

5. The largest number of working machines you were able to run your code with.

5 machines.


  1. FSharp
  2. .NET
  3. Akka.NET

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