
Runy on Rails API server

Primary LanguageRuby


This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.

Things you may want to cover:

  • Ruby version - 3.0.0

  • System dependencies

  • Configuration Add values for below ENV variables - DBUSER, DBPASS

  • Database creation - PostGRESql. Run rake db:migrate.

  • Database initialization - PostGRESql. Run rake db:seed

  • Services - API to show processed logs

  • Deployment instructions - Run rails s

  • Implementation The log dataset is taken from this link JSON Log Dataset and is in the below format: [ [ { 'speaker': <U/S>, 'text': , 'stats': { 'text': , 'score': } } ] ]

    The seed program extracts only the conversational part and stores it in the database. The API fetched data from the database and gives it as paginated JSON output of the form:

    [ log_index: , log_info: [ { 'user': , 'bot': } ] ]

    • API URL -> http://<ec2_domain_name>/api/v1/logs?page=<page number>

    • Hosted on AWS using EC2, RDS, Nginx, and Load Balancer

    • Architecture alt text

    • Click here to view the results