
Personal website featuring projects and blog posts.

Primary LanguageHTML


Live Version

The live version is available at rushan.pelagicworld.com.

Hosting Guide

The static files for the live version are all stored on Amazon S3. I'm caching these files close to end-users by using Cloudflare as a CDN.

This speeds up load times dramatically since the Amazon S3 bucket is in the AWS Region Asia Pacific (Tokyo) but most readers of this website are based far away in either Singapore or New York City.

Create an allowlist so your CDN can read from your origin server

Access to your object store should be limited to your CDN, and for read operations only.

AWS has a guide for this in their S3 documentation. This will involve adding the full list of Cloudflare IP addresses to the S3 Bucket Policy section.

Configure your CDN eviction policy using HTTP headers

Make sure your origin server sends an informative Cache-Control header over to your CDN in HTTP responses.

Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, s-maxage=31536000, immutable

If you plan to evict the CDN cache manually, you can get away with setting a long max-age.

Configure HTML and image caching in Cloudflare using Page Rules

In your Cloudflare dashboard, click on your website, go to its Rules section, and create a new Page Rule.

  • Set Cache Level to Cache Everything
  • Set Edge Cache TTL to a month

In theory, setting a large Edge Cache TTL should prevent Cloudflare from evicting the static files from its edge caches even for websites with low traffic.

Configure client browser HTML rendering using HTTP headers

Make sure that your origin server returns the correct Content-Type headers, especially for HTML files. If the header is absent, client browsers might not render the HTML file, and instead treat it as a file download if it lacks a .html file extension.

Content-Type: text/html

Performance strategies not implemented


It appears that content download times are under 50 ms for most pages, and they are not a significant component of overall load times. The predominant components of the load times involve connection setup, roundtrips to the CDN, and roundtrips to the origin server on cache misses.

HTTP/2 Server Push

Google Chrome has removed support for HTTP/2 Server Push, so it's not quite worth the implementation complexity.

Link prefetching

There isn't a linear user journey through the website so it's not viable to determine how and when to prefetch resources other than CSS and fonts.

Setup Guide

Clone the repository and navigate into the project directory. Next, install Jekyll.

brew install ruby
gem install --user-install bundler jekyll
gem install --user-install webrick

Development Guide

Run the development server

Jekyll comes with a local development server that supports auto reloading.

jekyll serve

View the website at localhost:4000 in your browser.

Add a new Link entry

  1. Open _data/links.yml.
  2. Add a new title line.
  3. Add a new url line.

Add a new Project post

  1. Create a _projects folder if it does not already exist.
  2. Create a folder within it with the same name as the year of your new post.
    • For instance, 2021.
  3. Add a new Markdown file for your Project post.
    • Markdown files have .md as their file extension.
    • This file should be named with kebab-case.
    • The filename will also be the URL endpoint of the post, sans the .md file extension.
  4. Use the following template and add your content in Markdown below the header block.
layout: skeleton
title: Digital spaces
subtitle: 09 August 2020
thumbnail: "/assets/images/rectangular-tiles.png"

# Contents of your post

Write the contents of your post in Markdown.

![This is an image](/assets/images/filename.png "Your image caption")

Add a new Blog post

  1. Create a _blog folder if it does not already exist.
  2. Create a folder within it with the same name as the year of your new post.
    • For instance, 2021.
  3. Add a new Markdown file for your Blog post.
    • Markdown files have .md as their file extension.
    • This file should be named with kebab-case.
    • The filename will also be the URL endpoint of the post, sans the .md file extension.
  4. Use the following template and add your content in Markdown below the header block.
layout: skeleton
title: Digital spaces
subtitle: 09 August 2020

# Contents of your post

Write the contents of your post in Markdown.

![This is an image](/assets/images/filename.png "Your image caption")